Thursday, March 13, 2014


Precious Family, Friends and Life Colleagues,
         Today I was reading from Luke Chapter 6 from the Amplified Version. What I read in this version of God's Word was astounding to me. Thoughts I had had from time to time, nearly exactly as written in this particular version, were all there in black and white. And what I didn't have or had questioned within myself was plainly spelled out. This particular bit of Scripture is something very needful for the whole world to thoroughly digest, assimilate and put into practice. -- Right now I can't say much. I have much to say, mind you, but now is not the time.  However, I wholeheartedly recommend this particular passage of Scripture, Luke chapter 6, be read from the Amplified version of the Bible.

         Upon reflection regarding this particular passage of Scripture, I pose this question; Can you bless your enemies?? Can you honestly and truly forgive any or all the offenses against you and truly bless your enemies?? -- This is all I can say about this right now. It's a pretty amazing passage of Scripture. Blessing your enemies is only a part of it, though a huge chunk. However, there are particular verses that help to readjust the heart & soul, mind & spirit of a person so that their thoughts (and words) regarding their offenders, themselves, and about their particular lot in life are set aright through enlightenment.

       This particular passage of Scripture is meant to shine light on the darkness thereby bringing order out of chaos. So for those of my Precious Family, Friends and Life Colleagues who have suffered a daunting life of abuse, this particular chapter in Scripture will minister to you in a very powerful life-affirming way. The Truth contained in this chapter is enlightening, corrective, even commanding. But it is for the highest good of all concerned as well as for all involved.

       There is much I could explain here, but it is more wise to keep quiet at this moment and let you read (and Hear) from God Himself.

       God love you, Precious Family, Friends and Life Colleagues. God bless you and keep you. God make His Face shine upon you and be exceedingly gracious to you. God lift His Countenance upon you and give you peace beyond description. In Jesus' Mighty Name, Amen.

(c) 2014; Terri Spahr, aka: (Prayer Writer Terri)

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