Hello Precious Family, Friends and Life Colleagues,
How is everybody doing?
So much happening in the news lately that I don't rightly know what or how to address things. Feel free to discuss such topics here though, if you like. We can pray about them together and make a real impact that way since prayer goes a long way in promoting amazing good. It's no secret how powerful prayer can really be ... especially when we back that prayer up with good works. It might be that one is worthless without the other. Ever think about that? Probably not. I know I haven't, but it makes sense. I mean, in reality there's really not a single person among us who doesn't pray. We all do. There's just no getting around this fact. Even if some should think that they don't pray and even say so, the truth is that they really do. They may not think so, but they do. We all do. Even in how we sort things out in our thoughts or how we communicate with one another. It's all prayer. It's just a matter of whether or not it's worshipful prayer or destructive prayer. Whether our prayers are encouraging and beneficial to the integrity and well-being of all involved or all concerned, or if they are merely self serving and angled toward the demise of another. This is what makes the difference. This is what reveals what's in the heart of a being making the prayer.
When you're mulling things over trying to figure things out to see how you might come to the best possible conclusion ... it's prayer. When you can't see the forest for all the trees or all you can see is the muck through all the mire with not a shred of hope to grasp hold onto ... then what's your prayer reveal? Not so healthy or necessarily wise, huh? Sometimes it takes a great deal of searching and grasping to find even a shred of light. But as long as you're looking to find any hint of love or light in a given situation you are praying for the goodness to manifest. The same is true regarding any architect, fashion designer, builder, sculptor, writer, or any artist of any kind. We are all artists in our own individual way. Some are even master chefs while others are mere cooks or service workers in various departments of life, say, firefighters, doctors, nurses, pilots, scientists, actors, musicians, teachers and professors, etc.. There are so many categories to list here that I'm doing good to list the few that I am even aware of here. So many of us work behind the scenes and often go unrewarded with even a hint of thanks. However, many of us do receive thanks just not in the usual conventional ways, like hospitals, farmers, news reporters,, bed and furniture makers, publishers or IT folks in charge of making sure our electronics are up and running as smoothly as possible - tv folks, cell phone and computer folks, airplane pilot towers, and so on. You get the idea. So much we take for granted not realizing or paying attention to all that goes into what we are privileged to have at our disposal at any given moment.
We have so much to be grateful about yet we neglect to give thanks for it all because we take so much for granted. We have so much that we don't even keep in mind all that we have to be thankful for. It is imperative that we remember thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is not meant to be a one day event in the course of a year. Thanksgiving was meant to be a lifestyle, a remembrance and acknowledgement of gratitude designed to be expressed for the benefit of all that we have as well as for the benefit of all concerned. Thanksgiving helps encourage us and gives us reminders of how wonderful we really do have it. On the surface that may not always be the case, I know. But I wonder how many miracles would take place if we simply gave way to a humble heart of gratitude. Instead of looking at what we don't have, at what's missing, and instead focusing our attention on God from Whom all blessings flow and thanking Him for creating us in the first place, and that for His glory, honor, power, praise and majesty ... I wonder how much things would change for the better. Might it be that even the deserts might become a wellspring of life? Might it be that all death and darkness would flee away? Might it be that poverty would lose its place in our lives, in our world? Might it even be that we would somehow experience Heaven on earth and all war and fighting would cease to exist? Such notions might seem elementary and simplistic as from a child grotesquely innocent, however, such notions I believe were meant to be considered and even acted on. How is it God commanded us to live anyway? "Submit to God, resist the devil, and he will flee from you." (James 4:7).
More than five years ago I was forced into some extremely unpleasant circumstances and severely uncooperative situations and nearly two years ago the evil that saturated those subsequent turbulent years led up to something that even more strenuously tested my faith. Ironically, what occurred nearly two years this coming June proved to be a pivotal turning point in my level of maturity despite all that I was being put through by certain individual who were emphatic about displacing me from a life that I had believed God was instrumental in creating and had dedicated to Him. It was sorely difficult and the people involved were not at all welcoming nor honest concerning my presence in it. However, God is my Vindicator. He is The Righteous Judge in this matter and I trust the power of His omnipotent goodness to work things out for the good of all concerned.... especially since I prayed concerning the matter regarding my enemies having a dramatic encounter with Christ Himself. You can never go wrong praying this way, not when you are seeking God's glory. Is the situation healed now? By the Blood of The Holy Lamb of God and by the power of His Word and according to His Will it is. God will always send His Word in accordance with His Will, which is always good and which will only produce that which is good, right and beneficial to His glory, honor, power, praise and majesty. Sometimes it seems like life has given some a raw deal, but it might be that those with the hardest lives might be the ones with the greatest testimony in the end. It might be that they are the ones who are especially chosen by God, given a special anointing, a special calling, and are more powerful than they really know. But that's really the point, isn't it? The devil will do anything to keep us from realizing who we are in Christ, to Whom we really belong, and what we really have going for us and how much we really have backing us. He will do anything to keep us from realizing the Truth that will and does set us free. He knows but does not want for us to know. Thankfully, God also knows and God will make sure we know in the best possible way for us to know. He will make sure that we are not alone in our plight to suffer all by ourselves or without a way of escape. God is in with us to help us win it for His glory. And that makes all the difference. We are not in it alone. God is in it with us. God is with us because He does very much love us. God is our victory in anything we endure. God is our victory in anything we face. God is The Truth we need in any given situation, condition or relationship.
There is more I would like to say, more that is worthy for my continuing on. However it might be more wise to save that conversation for a later time.
God bless you ... and you can't go wrong when it is always wise to give thanks. So always remember thanksgiving. Amen.
(c) 2014; Terri Spahr, aka (Prayer Writer Terri)
Monday, March 31, 2014
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Hello my Precious Family, Friends and Life Colleagues,
I just threw out a tweet on Twitter. Lots to learn about Twitter and how to properly use and make good use of it. But one tweet I just put out was ...
God is love and love never fails to prevail. And when you love like God, you will also prevail ... to victory. However I wanted to put so much more in it. Prevail to victory ... may be the ultimate word of choice when all the words are summed up together. -- Prevail to succeed. -- Prevail to a more congenial state of heart & soul, mind & spirit ... even more congenial relationships. -- Prevail to apprehend, comprehend, understand ... etc. ... Prevail to obtain a good & welcome outcome. -- Prevail to grow, mature and become wise. ...
... You get the idea. Like I said, lots to learn when it comes to tweeting on Twitter. Maybe someone will help me understand how to better & more wisely use Twitter. Thank you. :0)
God bless you, Precious Family, Friends and Life Colleagues. God bless you all with all that is wise, just, good, beneficial ... and that testifies of God's character, glory and grace. In Jesus' Name, Amen. And thank you for your support. It's nice to be appreciated and to be a part of such a wonderful family and to have such special friends and life colleagues as you. God bless you very much indeed. Amen.
I just threw out a tweet on Twitter. Lots to learn about Twitter and how to properly use and make good use of it. But one tweet I just put out was ...
God is love and love never fails to prevail. And when you love like God, you will also prevail ... to victory. However I wanted to put so much more in it. Prevail to victory ... may be the ultimate word of choice when all the words are summed up together. -- Prevail to succeed. -- Prevail to a more congenial state of heart & soul, mind & spirit ... even more congenial relationships. -- Prevail to apprehend, comprehend, understand ... etc. ... Prevail to obtain a good & welcome outcome. -- Prevail to grow, mature and become wise. ...
... You get the idea. Like I said, lots to learn when it comes to tweeting on Twitter. Maybe someone will help me understand how to better & more wisely use Twitter. Thank you. :0)
God bless you, Precious Family, Friends and Life Colleagues. God bless you all with all that is wise, just, good, beneficial ... and that testifies of God's character, glory and grace. In Jesus' Name, Amen. And thank you for your support. It's nice to be appreciated and to be a part of such a wonderful family and to have such special friends and life colleagues as you. God bless you very much indeed. Amen.
Saturday, March 22, 2014
Hey Guys & Gals,
Funny thing occurred. I happened to check on the stats concerning my blog just to see who might be checking in for a read and from where in the world because I took notice that there were no views. Well as it turned out, my posts had not made it online. Somehow that part was turned off. Here I thought I was communicating with the members of my Precious Family, Friends and Life Colleagues, least ways I was in Spirit though not as I thought I was by way of the internet. My apologies to you all. My intentions were honorable, its just that my actual follow through was misguided.
Now that that's took care of though, I pray that we get to know each other a bit better. At the very least, I hope that you appreciate my writings and let me know by dropping me a line or leaving a comment from time to time. Thank you. I know not everybody appreciates being brow beat with Scripture and others are quick to sense a Bible-thumper. That's not me by a long shot, though when I learn something from God's Scriptures I do enjoy writing about it but in prayer form and rarely noting where it is found.
When I am in writing mode I am as real and as raw as I can and know to be. I don't go for pretense and don't believe in fiction. There are many a fiction writer who are well able to make a successful and prosperous living at it. I'm just not one of them. And then there are those who are well versed in nonfiction and can turn out a spectacular biography or eloquent beautiful life story or life history, or what have you concerning anything that might help one to get a clear picture or teach others something necessary. Not sure I fall into that category either. I am just me. That will have to be good enough.
The bulk of my writing is worship based. I long to have a life that pleases and honors God while at the same time encourages and uplifts others. Sometimes we just don't know how or can't worship God because we either can't get past ourselves or all the hoopla in our particular life situation and we forget ourselves, where we are in life, and what it is that we need to do. We forget God and we forget to worship God. We get so mixed up because our awareness is more earthly based rather than spiritually based. We forget that what we see and experience on the surface might not actually be the truth of what actually is so in tense moments we forget that Jesus Christ is King of kings and Lord of lords. In tense moments we forget who and Who's we really are. We let our guard down and we let the darkness take over - and even a tiny bit of being such a fool is much more costly than we realize, all because we did not keep our whits about us.
When you go to God, how is it that you go to Him? When you know that God is worthy of all glory, honor, power, praise and majesty yet you are in conflict to such degree that you can't get a grasp of things in your own heart or soul, mind or spirit, do you become a blithering fool? a stammering idiot? Do you hold your peace or simply cut loose because you know that God understands that you are human and that you come before Him flawed, marred, beat up and broken? Are you able to put all your feelings, frustrations, mistakes, weaknesses and misnomers aside and simply worship The Lord in a manner that truly exalts Christ, that glorifies God, blesses and honors The Holy Spirit of God as well as The Kingdom of God and that also magnifies God's Righteousness? We all know that in our everyday living that this is key to a victorious lifestyle. Yet we also realize that this is an area where most, if not all of us, fall short of The Glory of God Our Father in Heaven. We all know and understand that there is not a moment in our lives that we are not meant to worship God in all our ways of living, being and doing. We all miss it in this regard yet we also realize that this is our highest goal of achievement - a goal so high that we have an enemy, God's enemy, who will do anything to keep us from obtaining this ultimate achievement. On the other hand, can we subject ourselves to such benevolence toward God and The Kingdom of God, that we can truly enter God's Gates with thanksgiving in our hearts and enter His Courts with praise?? This is why I write as I do. It is my main objective to worship God and give Him the glory He is so rightly do. When I do this ... I cut loose all the crap and hold to my focus on God's Holiness. It's not that I don't ever bring my complaints to God or seek His help and intervention ... but God deserves so much better, so much more than our complaints and grievances. And when you get such a revelation it is beyond humbling. Does it mean that you do so much better in life from the moment you gain such an epiphany? Not necessarily. However, I believe it means that you are well on the way to recovery and your life on the path of true healing mends. It's a start in the right direction when you realize how you have actually been praying ... till you find that there is a much better, much more powerful and glorious way to pray. Such things the devil will do anything to keep secret because he doesn't want you to know The Truth that will actually set you/us free.
People, do you realize how amazing you really and truly are? I would venture to say most likely not. Some might, but most don't even have an inkling of a clue. We have so much more going for us than we have ever been lead to believe. And even at that, only a select few have known. And of those, only a mere pittance is willing to teach others as regards their knowledge concerning all that we have going for us - of the all that they were made aware of, that is.
God made us each an individual wholly dependent upon Him and each other for help and support. God saw to it that not a one of us could ever be an island all to himself, not even God. We need God as much as God needs us, and we all absolutely need each the other in order to survive, experience God's blessings as well as to prosper. God needs us so He can work in us and through us for the sake of The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness. And we need God to work in us and through us so we can be of value to The Kingdom of God and let His Righteousness in us operate through us for the benefit of all concerned. God gave us each a gift that not one other person has - a piece of information and powerful anointing concerning Himself and The Truth - that no one else has. He communicates to us and through us in such wonderful ways that we take for granted and even overlook because we don't take the time to realize how awesome God truly is. No, we don't know it all ... that is individually. But collectively ... we can't help but know it all ... in Spirit and in Truth. God is a brilliant communicator. He created us to brilliantly communicate as well. It is our communications from and with God as well as with each other that helps us to grow, mature, and to know The Truth that sets us free ... and even to work the miracles necessary that will not only improve our lives and our over all life experiences ... but that also translate into more good than we have ever known. And for some, the need to experience the omnipotent goodness of God is truly a matter of life or death, blessing or cursing ... or the blessed life in lieu of the cursing that feeds on death. ... ... ... What would happen if everyone in all the world would just stop, turn their attention toward God and simply worship Him? None of us would ever be the same again. The world would not be as we currently know it. It and we might even become The Eden God first created ... Heaven in earth and on earth.
So when you take the notion to read what it is I write, I pray you join me in worshiping God and giving Him the glory and honor He is so rightly and overwhelmingly do. Understand that I do not in any way put myself above you. More often than not, I struggle to even see myself your equal, and what comes through my hands helps to raise me up. But even by what I do manage to put into words, it not only keeps me humble, but it is my way of being able to even kiss The Lords feet ... and hopefully, bless you all my peers - my Precious Family, Friends and Life Colleagues as well.
Heavenly Father from Whom All Blessings Flow,
You know me. You know my character. You know what it is that You have called me to. The same is true concerning all of us, Heavenly Father. This is my contribution in life to bless and honor You as well as the rest of my Precious Family, Friends and Life Colleagues. I may be a nobody to many, Lord, but I am most certainly a great somebody to You. The little drummer boy had no gifts to bring for the coming of The Newborn King except the playing of his drum. I know of no greater gift that I could offer You or The Kingdom of God than the writing of these words that come through my hands. I pray that You would accept them from the heart and soul that deems them worthy to even note. I pray You deem them worthy to accept as well as to use for Thy glory and honor. I pray the words that come through my hands would be of great benefit to all concerned and valued as bountiful blessings, even marvelous miracles to boot.
Heavenly Father,
I pray that You would work whatever blessings and miracles are necessary through the works of my hands in the lives of those whom You would deliver these words. I pray they would also help grow my Precious Family, Friends, Life Colleagues and myself up into that place where Thou wouldst be ever blessed, exalted and glorified in our lives.
Dear God,
Thank You for letting me serve You in this meek and humble way. Thank You for taking stock in me and finding me useful and fitting for something in Your sight and for finding me a place in Thy Kingdom. Thank You for being so merciful to me and for being so exceedingly gracious to me, Lord God. But most of all, thank You for all that You do as a result in the lives of all concerned as a result of what You do in and through me ... and in and through us all as a result. We may all have our cross to bear; we may all have an ax to grind, but it is You Who teaches our hands to war, Lord God. You teach our hands to war for righteousness, justice, truth and love. This is but one way that You have to use my hands for such things, for which I cannot help but thank You, Lord God.
Be Thou glorified in and through us all, Dear God. In Jesus' Blessed and Holy Name, Amen.
(c) 2014; Terri Spahr, aka (Prayer Writer Terri)
Funny thing occurred. I happened to check on the stats concerning my blog just to see who might be checking in for a read and from where in the world because I took notice that there were no views. Well as it turned out, my posts had not made it online. Somehow that part was turned off. Here I thought I was communicating with the members of my Precious Family, Friends and Life Colleagues, least ways I was in Spirit though not as I thought I was by way of the internet. My apologies to you all. My intentions were honorable, its just that my actual follow through was misguided.
Now that that's took care of though, I pray that we get to know each other a bit better. At the very least, I hope that you appreciate my writings and let me know by dropping me a line or leaving a comment from time to time. Thank you. I know not everybody appreciates being brow beat with Scripture and others are quick to sense a Bible-thumper. That's not me by a long shot, though when I learn something from God's Scriptures I do enjoy writing about it but in prayer form and rarely noting where it is found.
When I am in writing mode I am as real and as raw as I can and know to be. I don't go for pretense and don't believe in fiction. There are many a fiction writer who are well able to make a successful and prosperous living at it. I'm just not one of them. And then there are those who are well versed in nonfiction and can turn out a spectacular biography or eloquent beautiful life story or life history, or what have you concerning anything that might help one to get a clear picture or teach others something necessary. Not sure I fall into that category either. I am just me. That will have to be good enough.
The bulk of my writing is worship based. I long to have a life that pleases and honors God while at the same time encourages and uplifts others. Sometimes we just don't know how or can't worship God because we either can't get past ourselves or all the hoopla in our particular life situation and we forget ourselves, where we are in life, and what it is that we need to do. We forget God and we forget to worship God. We get so mixed up because our awareness is more earthly based rather than spiritually based. We forget that what we see and experience on the surface might not actually be the truth of what actually is so in tense moments we forget that Jesus Christ is King of kings and Lord of lords. In tense moments we forget who and Who's we really are. We let our guard down and we let the darkness take over - and even a tiny bit of being such a fool is much more costly than we realize, all because we did not keep our whits about us.
When you go to God, how is it that you go to Him? When you know that God is worthy of all glory, honor, power, praise and majesty yet you are in conflict to such degree that you can't get a grasp of things in your own heart or soul, mind or spirit, do you become a blithering fool? a stammering idiot? Do you hold your peace or simply cut loose because you know that God understands that you are human and that you come before Him flawed, marred, beat up and broken? Are you able to put all your feelings, frustrations, mistakes, weaknesses and misnomers aside and simply worship The Lord in a manner that truly exalts Christ, that glorifies God, blesses and honors The Holy Spirit of God as well as The Kingdom of God and that also magnifies God's Righteousness? We all know that in our everyday living that this is key to a victorious lifestyle. Yet we also realize that this is an area where most, if not all of us, fall short of The Glory of God Our Father in Heaven. We all know and understand that there is not a moment in our lives that we are not meant to worship God in all our ways of living, being and doing. We all miss it in this regard yet we also realize that this is our highest goal of achievement - a goal so high that we have an enemy, God's enemy, who will do anything to keep us from obtaining this ultimate achievement. On the other hand, can we subject ourselves to such benevolence toward God and The Kingdom of God, that we can truly enter God's Gates with thanksgiving in our hearts and enter His Courts with praise?? This is why I write as I do. It is my main objective to worship God and give Him the glory He is so rightly do. When I do this ... I cut loose all the crap and hold to my focus on God's Holiness. It's not that I don't ever bring my complaints to God or seek His help and intervention ... but God deserves so much better, so much more than our complaints and grievances. And when you get such a revelation it is beyond humbling. Does it mean that you do so much better in life from the moment you gain such an epiphany? Not necessarily. However, I believe it means that you are well on the way to recovery and your life on the path of true healing mends. It's a start in the right direction when you realize how you have actually been praying ... till you find that there is a much better, much more powerful and glorious way to pray. Such things the devil will do anything to keep secret because he doesn't want you to know The Truth that will actually set you/us free.
People, do you realize how amazing you really and truly are? I would venture to say most likely not. Some might, but most don't even have an inkling of a clue. We have so much more going for us than we have ever been lead to believe. And even at that, only a select few have known. And of those, only a mere pittance is willing to teach others as regards their knowledge concerning all that we have going for us - of the all that they were made aware of, that is.
God made us each an individual wholly dependent upon Him and each other for help and support. God saw to it that not a one of us could ever be an island all to himself, not even God. We need God as much as God needs us, and we all absolutely need each the other in order to survive, experience God's blessings as well as to prosper. God needs us so He can work in us and through us for the sake of The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness. And we need God to work in us and through us so we can be of value to The Kingdom of God and let His Righteousness in us operate through us for the benefit of all concerned. God gave us each a gift that not one other person has - a piece of information and powerful anointing concerning Himself and The Truth - that no one else has. He communicates to us and through us in such wonderful ways that we take for granted and even overlook because we don't take the time to realize how awesome God truly is. No, we don't know it all ... that is individually. But collectively ... we can't help but know it all ... in Spirit and in Truth. God is a brilliant communicator. He created us to brilliantly communicate as well. It is our communications from and with God as well as with each other that helps us to grow, mature, and to know The Truth that sets us free ... and even to work the miracles necessary that will not only improve our lives and our over all life experiences ... but that also translate into more good than we have ever known. And for some, the need to experience the omnipotent goodness of God is truly a matter of life or death, blessing or cursing ... or the blessed life in lieu of the cursing that feeds on death. ... ... ... What would happen if everyone in all the world would just stop, turn their attention toward God and simply worship Him? None of us would ever be the same again. The world would not be as we currently know it. It and we might even become The Eden God first created ... Heaven in earth and on earth.
So when you take the notion to read what it is I write, I pray you join me in worshiping God and giving Him the glory and honor He is so rightly and overwhelmingly do. Understand that I do not in any way put myself above you. More often than not, I struggle to even see myself your equal, and what comes through my hands helps to raise me up. But even by what I do manage to put into words, it not only keeps me humble, but it is my way of being able to even kiss The Lords feet ... and hopefully, bless you all my peers - my Precious Family, Friends and Life Colleagues as well.
Heavenly Father from Whom All Blessings Flow,
You know me. You know my character. You know what it is that You have called me to. The same is true concerning all of us, Heavenly Father. This is my contribution in life to bless and honor You as well as the rest of my Precious Family, Friends and Life Colleagues. I may be a nobody to many, Lord, but I am most certainly a great somebody to You. The little drummer boy had no gifts to bring for the coming of The Newborn King except the playing of his drum. I know of no greater gift that I could offer You or The Kingdom of God than the writing of these words that come through my hands. I pray that You would accept them from the heart and soul that deems them worthy to even note. I pray You deem them worthy to accept as well as to use for Thy glory and honor. I pray the words that come through my hands would be of great benefit to all concerned and valued as bountiful blessings, even marvelous miracles to boot.
Heavenly Father,
I pray that You would work whatever blessings and miracles are necessary through the works of my hands in the lives of those whom You would deliver these words. I pray they would also help grow my Precious Family, Friends, Life Colleagues and myself up into that place where Thou wouldst be ever blessed, exalted and glorified in our lives.
Dear God,
Thank You for letting me serve You in this meek and humble way. Thank You for taking stock in me and finding me useful and fitting for something in Your sight and for finding me a place in Thy Kingdom. Thank You for being so merciful to me and for being so exceedingly gracious to me, Lord God. But most of all, thank You for all that You do as a result in the lives of all concerned as a result of what You do in and through me ... and in and through us all as a result. We may all have our cross to bear; we may all have an ax to grind, but it is You Who teaches our hands to war, Lord God. You teach our hands to war for righteousness, justice, truth and love. This is but one way that You have to use my hands for such things, for which I cannot help but thank You, Lord God.
Be Thou glorified in and through us all, Dear God. In Jesus' Blessed and Holy Name, Amen.
(c) 2014; Terri Spahr, aka (Prayer Writer Terri)
Friday, March 21, 2014
Good evening Precious Family, Friends and Life Colleagues,
How is everybody doing? I know that some are well, some are fine, some are ok, some not so good, and some just at their whits end. There's a missing jet liner full of people God only knows where, and hopefully not at the bottom of the Indian Ocean or crashed somewhere. There are thousands of exploited and abused children, maybe even millions, all over the world that are crying out for help, salvation and deliverance from their plight. There are many an exploited and abused wife, employee, even elderly person also crying out for someone to notice. Some can speak clearly, others cannot speak out at all yet in their own way are still reaching out for help and solace. Many are homeless and hungry while others are so full of themselves they can't help but be puffed up with pride and sanctimonious selfishness that anybody else in comparison is looked down on and treated as if they are nothing because they view themselves as above reproach. They feel that they have made it to the top and treat everybody else as though they are beneath them. ... In this light everybody seems to be in some sort of situation that they can't seem to handle rightly, or some such. However there are some who actually have their head on straight and are quite wise, humble, operate with graceful integrity, and are kind and generous beyond belief, and have the most loving and joyful disposition. There's such an in-explainable peace about these people that there's no denying that there's something particularly special about them. Such people are the kind who are truly rich and with whom it is most glorious to associate with. These kind of people have so much to teach us that we would do well to not only acknowledge them but to also hold them in high esteem ... and hopefully view them as magnificent mentors.
But then there are those who are habitually bitter, angry, upset, and at their whits end because they've lost all hope and are utterly exasperated with life. They are beyond frustrated and don't know what to do or how to improve their situation so that they have a better life experience. Many of this grouping are so beaten, abused and tortured that it's all they can do to simply survive their situation. They see themselves as worthless and wonder why God has thrown them to the wolves. Some even wonder why God made them for sport to fuel His sadistic whims and have no knowledge of how much God really does love them. They have no idea that it's not God that put them in such an ugly state of hostility, but the devil. They don't understand how ruthless the devil really is. All they know (or believe) is that there can't really be a God Who Loves and Truly Cares for them. This is their world. Their world is so full of ugliness, treachery, chaos and darkness that they dare not even dream of Heaven manifest ... of Jesus Christ come in their midst revealing the Truth of God's Glory, Perfect Love, Tender Mercy and Amazing Grace. Their spirit dead within their living shell of a body; their world anything but kind or generous. They can't even put to words what's really within themselves for all the torment they have suffered at the hands of their abusive captors. They were taught that they have no right to life. They were taught that they were nothing but a cruel joke created for sport and that they are unworthy of loving compassion, protection or grace. Many are born into such a state, other sold into such a state, and still others married into such a state. They are so hurt, so tormented, so dismayed, shamed and at their whits end ... their only choices are to live just to survive or survive just to live, or to give up and hopefully survive the life or give up and hopefully give up the ghost within themselves to a Merciful God who would actually love, accept and cherish them.
Are you such a person? Are you one of any of these found written about in this page? Where do you fall into place among these words? Do you need help? Are you reaching out for help in any way? Can you at least cry out to God Who Does Hear the cries of His beloved? You are God's beloved child you know. And if you don't yet know it, God will most certainly make it clear to you somehow someway. I myself am still learning this. There are times when I think I've got it and there are times when I don't. For some reason it seems to be a process, though I wish it were not. However, I do understand that some people need a lot of convincing just because of their tragically harsh experiences. I understand this quite well. I've been there. Can't say for sure that I'm not still there. Sharing this much with you is a great help to me. I don't know what all is wise to share and what is more prudent to keep to myself. So if I seem a bit vague I humbly apologize.
The Bible says that we are to be the head not the tail. It says that we are to be above only, not beneath. I like to say it this way... God meant for us to be the head above not the tail beneath. I do not believe that God ever intended for us to experience anything less than His omnipotent goodness in life. However, how many of us can actually say that this has been or is actually the case in our own life. I sure can't, especially when I look at the schtuff I've experienced and from the people involved. When I take my eyes off God and look at the details of my life I am hard pressed to find much goodness or happiness in it. However, when I focus on God and make God my attention I can't help but experience peace, love, and joy. It's so easy to look at the muckity-muck because that's the overwhelming vast majority of my life. I think the same is true for most people. Not all, but most. And how many of us actually know how to forgive? And even if we can actually forgive, there's seems to be no way of escaping the imposed suffrage we are forced to endure - some within the brokenness of spirit, some the stark reality of severely harsh substandard living conditions that seem to leave no room for improvement. But there is hope. God is very much still on The Throne. God is very much Love. God is very much Light. God is Your Salvation. God is very much The Joy and Lifter of Your Head. He is The Lover of Your Soul, The Redeemer, Strength and Savior of Your Life. His Word is Health and Wholeness to All Your Flesh as well as to All Your Life. And you know what else? GOD IS NOT A MAN THAT HE SHOULD LIE, NEITHER IS HE THE SON OF MAN THAT HE SHOULD REPENT. In fact, THERE IS NO EVIL WHATSOEVER THAT DWELLS IN GOD OR THAT PROCEEDS FROM GOD. NOR IS THERE ANY DARKNESS IN GOD. GOD IS LIGHT AND IN HIM IS NO DARKNESS AT ALL, NOR SHADOW OF VARIANCE. For GOD IS LOVE. ... GOD IS LOVE... GOD IS LOVE AND ABSOLUTELY NOTHING LESS THAN LOVE. GOD is in fact and in all ways NOTHING LESS THAN ALTOGETHER DIVINE AND ALL THAT GOD DOES IS NOTHING SHORT OF DIVINE. And when GOD SPEAKS A WORD, IT IS ALSO ALWAYS DIVINE, PRODUCING NOTHING LESS THAN DIVINE RESULTS.
Please pray this prayer with me and let the miracles manifest in God's own wonderful way.
Most Holy God,
I don't know You. I want to worship You, but I am unfamiliar with Who and What You are and with what You actually stand for. It matters a great deal to me that I be truly loved, accepted and cherished. I don't know what that feels like. It's something I am unfamiliar with. It's not been part of my life experience. If it has, I have forgotten it because it has been overshadowed by lies and overwhelming abuse.
I'm angry, God, upset and at my whits end. I feel a torrent of emotions that I don't rightly know how to deal with or process. I feel as though You have abandoned me. I feel as though You have hated and despised me and fed me to the wolves, lions, snakes and bears. I feel as though I was never meant to have or enjoy life on any level. But, Dear God, You know the real truth concerning me. You know the real truth concerning my life. And I believe that You are well aware of my plight and that You are The One who can not only help me, but also save and deliver me. I believe You can work miracles in my life and in this horrible situation and use this experience for Your glory to bless and benefit others in similar situations. But I need to know that I know that I know ... that You really do love and cherish me. I am so hurt, Dear God, and so broken, that I need to know The God Who Truly Does Love and Cherish Me. I also need to know that You Really Are For Me since my main knowing regards those who have been or are against me. I need to know The Truth concerning You, Dear God, and how involved You truly willing to get into this situation and in my life as a whole. I need to know how much I truly do matter to You. Will You please help me and show me how much You really care? I want to live for Your glory. I want to experience the power of Your glory in my life and affairs. Will You please take my life and all that I am, as well as all that I am not, and do something with it so that I am given a testimony that richly tells of the glory of God's perfect love, tender mercy and amazing grace? Will You please lift me up, Dear God, and give me beauty for the ashes of my life? I offer to You my life and all that is part of it - the good, the bad, the ugly, past, present and future. I give You myself and every part of my life because if anybody can turn my life around and make something good come out of it and that will glorify God and bless others, it is You, Dear God. And I praise You for it in Jesus' Name.
And as regards those who need to be forgiven for the things they have done to me, I don't know how to forgive them right now. Please help me to forgive them and to completely release them to the workings of Your brand of justice, Dear God. Please also help me to truly forgive them for the wrongs they have done unto me. And help me to forgive You, too, Dear God. You are my only way of knowing and understanding The Truth that sets me free. I want so much to love You with all my heart, with all my soul, with all my mind, and with all my strength, Dear God. I just don't know how to right now. Please help me. I have hated my life for so long because of all the hate I have had to endure that I just don't know who or how to trust any good that might even come my way, and I have learned that even You have hated and despised me and that I meant nothing to even You. So please clarify things for me, Dear God. Show me the real Truth concerning how You really feel towards me and how much I really matter to You. Show me how powerful You really are to redeem, save, deliver and heal ... even the likes of me ... and how willing You are to use me and my experience for Your glory as well as for the sake of The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness. Show me how much You really do delight in me and how powerful You really are to wipe away my tears, give me beauty for ashes, and joy instead of mourning. Show me how willing You are to adopt even the likes of me and to make a place for me in Your Kingdom.
I have no more fight in me. I don't know how to fight anymore. I don't know who to trust or who to believe because I have been lied to so much and severely used, abused and tortured. Please help me to trust You, Dear God. Help my unbelief so that I can fully and freely believe. I don't want to hurt anymore, Dear God. But hurting is all I know. Please help me to know something better. Please help me to know that it really is OK for me to experience better - that I can even be, do, have and enjoy a much better life. I ask all of this of You, Dear God, because if You do it for me then I know You can also do it for others through me and my testimony. I hold on because I believe I am meant for so much more than I have previously known. I am holding onto hope that You are my Answer, Dear God. That's why I pray this prayer to You, confessing my truth, bearing my soul, and releasing it all to You for righteousness' sake. And in humble gratitude I give thanks for all the wonderful ways You enlighten me, for all the wonderful ways You redeem, save, deliver and heal me. And in short, for all the wonderful ways You bless me, heal me and make me whole so that I can be the blessing I was always meant to be and freely help and bless somebody else who needs as much help as I do right now. I praise You for all the ways You strengthen me and for all the ways You revive me. I praise You for all the ways You reveal the glory of Your infinite power in every phase of my life and affairs. I praise You for all the ways You restore righteousness in my life and for all the ways You give me double for my former trouble. And I especially praise You for giving me an awesome testimony that tells of the glory of God's perfect love, tender mercy and amazing grace ... and for all the ways You influence change for the better in me, through me, and all around me for the sake of all concerned. Thank You, Dear God. Thank You very much indeed for all the ways You bless and prosper me, and for all the ways You make me the head above my enemies instead of the tail beneath them. Thank You also, for all the ways You contend with them and for all the ways You cause Justice to prevail. I love You, Lord. And I love that You really do love and cherish me ... and for all the ways You prove it. Bless You. Amen.
(c) 2014; Terri Spahr, aka (Prayer Writer Terri)
How is everybody doing? I know that some are well, some are fine, some are ok, some not so good, and some just at their whits end. There's a missing jet liner full of people God only knows where, and hopefully not at the bottom of the Indian Ocean or crashed somewhere. There are thousands of exploited and abused children, maybe even millions, all over the world that are crying out for help, salvation and deliverance from their plight. There are many an exploited and abused wife, employee, even elderly person also crying out for someone to notice. Some can speak clearly, others cannot speak out at all yet in their own way are still reaching out for help and solace. Many are homeless and hungry while others are so full of themselves they can't help but be puffed up with pride and sanctimonious selfishness that anybody else in comparison is looked down on and treated as if they are nothing because they view themselves as above reproach. They feel that they have made it to the top and treat everybody else as though they are beneath them. ... In this light everybody seems to be in some sort of situation that they can't seem to handle rightly, or some such. However there are some who actually have their head on straight and are quite wise, humble, operate with graceful integrity, and are kind and generous beyond belief, and have the most loving and joyful disposition. There's such an in-explainable peace about these people that there's no denying that there's something particularly special about them. Such people are the kind who are truly rich and with whom it is most glorious to associate with. These kind of people have so much to teach us that we would do well to not only acknowledge them but to also hold them in high esteem ... and hopefully view them as magnificent mentors.
But then there are those who are habitually bitter, angry, upset, and at their whits end because they've lost all hope and are utterly exasperated with life. They are beyond frustrated and don't know what to do or how to improve their situation so that they have a better life experience. Many of this grouping are so beaten, abused and tortured that it's all they can do to simply survive their situation. They see themselves as worthless and wonder why God has thrown them to the wolves. Some even wonder why God made them for sport to fuel His sadistic whims and have no knowledge of how much God really does love them. They have no idea that it's not God that put them in such an ugly state of hostility, but the devil. They don't understand how ruthless the devil really is. All they know (or believe) is that there can't really be a God Who Loves and Truly Cares for them. This is their world. Their world is so full of ugliness, treachery, chaos and darkness that they dare not even dream of Heaven manifest ... of Jesus Christ come in their midst revealing the Truth of God's Glory, Perfect Love, Tender Mercy and Amazing Grace. Their spirit dead within their living shell of a body; their world anything but kind or generous. They can't even put to words what's really within themselves for all the torment they have suffered at the hands of their abusive captors. They were taught that they have no right to life. They were taught that they were nothing but a cruel joke created for sport and that they are unworthy of loving compassion, protection or grace. Many are born into such a state, other sold into such a state, and still others married into such a state. They are so hurt, so tormented, so dismayed, shamed and at their whits end ... their only choices are to live just to survive or survive just to live, or to give up and hopefully survive the life or give up and hopefully give up the ghost within themselves to a Merciful God who would actually love, accept and cherish them.
Are you such a person? Are you one of any of these found written about in this page? Where do you fall into place among these words? Do you need help? Are you reaching out for help in any way? Can you at least cry out to God Who Does Hear the cries of His beloved? You are God's beloved child you know. And if you don't yet know it, God will most certainly make it clear to you somehow someway. I myself am still learning this. There are times when I think I've got it and there are times when I don't. For some reason it seems to be a process, though I wish it were not. However, I do understand that some people need a lot of convincing just because of their tragically harsh experiences. I understand this quite well. I've been there. Can't say for sure that I'm not still there. Sharing this much with you is a great help to me. I don't know what all is wise to share and what is more prudent to keep to myself. So if I seem a bit vague I humbly apologize.
The Bible says that we are to be the head not the tail. It says that we are to be above only, not beneath. I like to say it this way... God meant for us to be the head above not the tail beneath. I do not believe that God ever intended for us to experience anything less than His omnipotent goodness in life. However, how many of us can actually say that this has been or is actually the case in our own life. I sure can't, especially when I look at the schtuff I've experienced and from the people involved. When I take my eyes off God and look at the details of my life I am hard pressed to find much goodness or happiness in it. However, when I focus on God and make God my attention I can't help but experience peace, love, and joy. It's so easy to look at the muckity-muck because that's the overwhelming vast majority of my life. I think the same is true for most people. Not all, but most. And how many of us actually know how to forgive? And even if we can actually forgive, there's seems to be no way of escaping the imposed suffrage we are forced to endure - some within the brokenness of spirit, some the stark reality of severely harsh substandard living conditions that seem to leave no room for improvement. But there is hope. God is very much still on The Throne. God is very much Love. God is very much Light. God is Your Salvation. God is very much The Joy and Lifter of Your Head. He is The Lover of Your Soul, The Redeemer, Strength and Savior of Your Life. His Word is Health and Wholeness to All Your Flesh as well as to All Your Life. And you know what else? GOD IS NOT A MAN THAT HE SHOULD LIE, NEITHER IS HE THE SON OF MAN THAT HE SHOULD REPENT. In fact, THERE IS NO EVIL WHATSOEVER THAT DWELLS IN GOD OR THAT PROCEEDS FROM GOD. NOR IS THERE ANY DARKNESS IN GOD. GOD IS LIGHT AND IN HIM IS NO DARKNESS AT ALL, NOR SHADOW OF VARIANCE. For GOD IS LOVE. ... GOD IS LOVE... GOD IS LOVE AND ABSOLUTELY NOTHING LESS THAN LOVE. GOD is in fact and in all ways NOTHING LESS THAN ALTOGETHER DIVINE AND ALL THAT GOD DOES IS NOTHING SHORT OF DIVINE. And when GOD SPEAKS A WORD, IT IS ALSO ALWAYS DIVINE, PRODUCING NOTHING LESS THAN DIVINE RESULTS.
Please pray this prayer with me and let the miracles manifest in God's own wonderful way.
Most Holy God,
I don't know You. I want to worship You, but I am unfamiliar with Who and What You are and with what You actually stand for. It matters a great deal to me that I be truly loved, accepted and cherished. I don't know what that feels like. It's something I am unfamiliar with. It's not been part of my life experience. If it has, I have forgotten it because it has been overshadowed by lies and overwhelming abuse.
I'm angry, God, upset and at my whits end. I feel a torrent of emotions that I don't rightly know how to deal with or process. I feel as though You have abandoned me. I feel as though You have hated and despised me and fed me to the wolves, lions, snakes and bears. I feel as though I was never meant to have or enjoy life on any level. But, Dear God, You know the real truth concerning me. You know the real truth concerning my life. And I believe that You are well aware of my plight and that You are The One who can not only help me, but also save and deliver me. I believe You can work miracles in my life and in this horrible situation and use this experience for Your glory to bless and benefit others in similar situations. But I need to know that I know that I know ... that You really do love and cherish me. I am so hurt, Dear God, and so broken, that I need to know The God Who Truly Does Love and Cherish Me. I also need to know that You Really Are For Me since my main knowing regards those who have been or are against me. I need to know The Truth concerning You, Dear God, and how involved You truly willing to get into this situation and in my life as a whole. I need to know how much I truly do matter to You. Will You please help me and show me how much You really care? I want to live for Your glory. I want to experience the power of Your glory in my life and affairs. Will You please take my life and all that I am, as well as all that I am not, and do something with it so that I am given a testimony that richly tells of the glory of God's perfect love, tender mercy and amazing grace? Will You please lift me up, Dear God, and give me beauty for the ashes of my life? I offer to You my life and all that is part of it - the good, the bad, the ugly, past, present and future. I give You myself and every part of my life because if anybody can turn my life around and make something good come out of it and that will glorify God and bless others, it is You, Dear God. And I praise You for it in Jesus' Name.
And as regards those who need to be forgiven for the things they have done to me, I don't know how to forgive them right now. Please help me to forgive them and to completely release them to the workings of Your brand of justice, Dear God. Please also help me to truly forgive them for the wrongs they have done unto me. And help me to forgive You, too, Dear God. You are my only way of knowing and understanding The Truth that sets me free. I want so much to love You with all my heart, with all my soul, with all my mind, and with all my strength, Dear God. I just don't know how to right now. Please help me. I have hated my life for so long because of all the hate I have had to endure that I just don't know who or how to trust any good that might even come my way, and I have learned that even You have hated and despised me and that I meant nothing to even You. So please clarify things for me, Dear God. Show me the real Truth concerning how You really feel towards me and how much I really matter to You. Show me how powerful You really are to redeem, save, deliver and heal ... even the likes of me ... and how willing You are to use me and my experience for Your glory as well as for the sake of The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness. Show me how much You really do delight in me and how powerful You really are to wipe away my tears, give me beauty for ashes, and joy instead of mourning. Show me how willing You are to adopt even the likes of me and to make a place for me in Your Kingdom.
I have no more fight in me. I don't know how to fight anymore. I don't know who to trust or who to believe because I have been lied to so much and severely used, abused and tortured. Please help me to trust You, Dear God. Help my unbelief so that I can fully and freely believe. I don't want to hurt anymore, Dear God. But hurting is all I know. Please help me to know something better. Please help me to know that it really is OK for me to experience better - that I can even be, do, have and enjoy a much better life. I ask all of this of You, Dear God, because if You do it for me then I know You can also do it for others through me and my testimony. I hold on because I believe I am meant for so much more than I have previously known. I am holding onto hope that You are my Answer, Dear God. That's why I pray this prayer to You, confessing my truth, bearing my soul, and releasing it all to You for righteousness' sake. And in humble gratitude I give thanks for all the wonderful ways You enlighten me, for all the wonderful ways You redeem, save, deliver and heal me. And in short, for all the wonderful ways You bless me, heal me and make me whole so that I can be the blessing I was always meant to be and freely help and bless somebody else who needs as much help as I do right now. I praise You for all the ways You strengthen me and for all the ways You revive me. I praise You for all the ways You reveal the glory of Your infinite power in every phase of my life and affairs. I praise You for all the ways You restore righteousness in my life and for all the ways You give me double for my former trouble. And I especially praise You for giving me an awesome testimony that tells of the glory of God's perfect love, tender mercy and amazing grace ... and for all the ways You influence change for the better in me, through me, and all around me for the sake of all concerned. Thank You, Dear God. Thank You very much indeed for all the ways You bless and prosper me, and for all the ways You make me the head above my enemies instead of the tail beneath them. Thank You also, for all the ways You contend with them and for all the ways You cause Justice to prevail. I love You, Lord. And I love that You really do love and cherish me ... and for all the ways You prove it. Bless You. Amen.
(c) 2014; Terri Spahr, aka (Prayer Writer Terri)
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Good morning Precious Family, Friends and Life Colleagues,
Isn't it amazing, this life we have been given? Isn't it astounding how God gave each and every one of us life and time and amazing wonder with which to have and to hold as well as to behold? God is so good to us that we often don't recognize how good He really is to us. And when we're in a funk of some sort, we may even take for granted God's goodness or not recognize it at all because we are so consumed with our own issues.
Remember to thank God for how wonderful He is. Remember to love on The Lord with all you've got within you, if for no other reason than to change your own mood and the atmosphere in which you find yourself but can't stand to be in. Worshiping God is the best way to lift your spirits. And when you need to hear something to help you feel better or to simply gain your composure, remember to ask and it shall be given, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you in good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over. How do I know? Because I dared to ask and I was amazed at what I heard. ...
... Joel Osteen said something today that amazed me yet that also encouraged me and lifted me up. He commented about God's Favor and how God's Favor is on those under attack. He commented about when you seemed to be singled out for abuse that that's a sure sign that God's Favor is upon you. ... Now mind you, these are not quoted verbatim, just near as I can put it down to say in my own words. By the way, I found these words of encouragement in Luke chapter 6, which confirms what Pastor Joel had said. :0) --- Sure hope I can pull up his website and hear what he had to say on the subject again. Anyone who seems to be holding on for dear life and struggling to hopefully do more than merely survive their current situation would do well to go to www.JoelOsteen.com for some encouragement. I only happened to come across his teaching today (Sunday March 16th) by channel surfing. I needed to hear these words from God. I needed God's Word to encourage me and lift me up, as well as to give some meaning to my life. And you know what? God's Favor is never without purpose. This means that there is an Anointing upon the one favored by God and that God's specific Will, Plan and Purpose for your life is something pretty spectacular, a wonder to behold. We might not be aware of what it is, but rest assured Satan does. Why else would he try so hard to knock you down, keep you down, work you over, spit you out, and do everything possible to keep you from knowing God's Divine Will, Plan and Purpose for your life by overloading you with all sorts of abuses, chaos, etc. etc.? Because he knows something you don't.
Satan knows that if you were to ever get hold of how awesome you really and truly are in God's sight and how powerful you really were to become (and actually truly are) because you realize that you are a child of God Most High, and that you also have The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness at your personal disposal ... he knows how much you'd be handing over to him the whoop-ass he deserves. Instead, he tries to give you a whoop-ass of your own that is so intense and often relentless with little reprieve so you start beating yourself up and caving in to all the antics of his minions. But the reality is, we don't have to take it. We have a powerful ally on our side to help us out. We have God The Father, God The Son, and God The Holy Spirit, The Blood of Christ, The Word of God, as well as The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness on our side. All on the side of Righteousness, Justice and Truth. ... The Devil will do anything to keep us from worshiping God. He will do anything to cause us to lose our focus so our attention is diverted from that which is right, just and true. And we, like the saps we are, repeatedly fall for it. We are so often caught unawares because we are so ignorant of his devices, something God commands us not to be, by the way. We seldom pay attention to ourselves, what's really going on in a given situation (or behind the scenes in the situation), or what it's really all about. We easily succumb to the banter in our minds as well as in the hearing of our ears because we are stupid enough to not pay attention. We therefore do ourselves a great disservice and often a great injustice to the body of Christ as well as to The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness. And we most certainly prove ourselves quite unwise and unintelligent and unenlightened beings. And we prove ourselves not on The Path of The Highway of God. Why? Because we are human beings. Because we don't pay attention to what is really going on in spirit and in truth; only to what we deem truly credible with our physical senses, which is not the most reliable source of truth or light.
Thankfully, God created us to be one family. We have each other to rely on, for goodness' sake. God's Truth for us, about us, and readily available to us, is something we'd be foolish to ignore or treat lightly or disregard. God never meant for us to, nor did He design us to live in the dark. God would have never said, "Let there be Light" if that were the case. God said "Let there be Light" because it was, is, and ever shall be of utmost importance that we live, move, and have our being in, through and by The Sun of Righteousness - Jesus Christ. We must always remember this. That's why Jesus Christ is The Way, The Truth, The Light and The Life of men ... of our lives. We just need to let go and let God. We need to let go and let Christ glorify God in us and through us so God can be glorified all around us for the sake of The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness. It is imperative that we understand this. We must all come to our senses. We must all put the devil in his place ... under our feet and out of our minds, bodies, affairs and relationships. We must take the authority God gave us and use it wisely, even stripping away the authority the devil thinks he has over us and instead using the authority God gave us over him. God never intended for us to be losers. He made us to be victorious. He has done everything to give us hope as well as a wonderful future. He even devised a Plan with a Purpose for us that causes us to flourish in accordance with God's omnipotent goodness. GOD IS LOVE and nothing less. And we are here to serve Almighty God, Our Father in Heaven, here on earth for the express purpose of blessing, expanding and increasing The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness on earth as it is in Heaven, to the glory of God The Father, in Jesus' Name. Amen.
(c) 2014; Terri Spahr, aka (Prayer Writer Terri)
Isn't it amazing, this life we have been given? Isn't it astounding how God gave each and every one of us life and time and amazing wonder with which to have and to hold as well as to behold? God is so good to us that we often don't recognize how good He really is to us. And when we're in a funk of some sort, we may even take for granted God's goodness or not recognize it at all because we are so consumed with our own issues.
Remember to thank God for how wonderful He is. Remember to love on The Lord with all you've got within you, if for no other reason than to change your own mood and the atmosphere in which you find yourself but can't stand to be in. Worshiping God is the best way to lift your spirits. And when you need to hear something to help you feel better or to simply gain your composure, remember to ask and it shall be given, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you in good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over. How do I know? Because I dared to ask and I was amazed at what I heard. ...
... Joel Osteen said something today that amazed me yet that also encouraged me and lifted me up. He commented about God's Favor and how God's Favor is on those under attack. He commented about when you seemed to be singled out for abuse that that's a sure sign that God's Favor is upon you. ... Now mind you, these are not quoted verbatim, just near as I can put it down to say in my own words. By the way, I found these words of encouragement in Luke chapter 6, which confirms what Pastor Joel had said. :0) --- Sure hope I can pull up his website and hear what he had to say on the subject again. Anyone who seems to be holding on for dear life and struggling to hopefully do more than merely survive their current situation would do well to go to www.JoelOsteen.com for some encouragement. I only happened to come across his teaching today (Sunday March 16th) by channel surfing. I needed to hear these words from God. I needed God's Word to encourage me and lift me up, as well as to give some meaning to my life. And you know what? God's Favor is never without purpose. This means that there is an Anointing upon the one favored by God and that God's specific Will, Plan and Purpose for your life is something pretty spectacular, a wonder to behold. We might not be aware of what it is, but rest assured Satan does. Why else would he try so hard to knock you down, keep you down, work you over, spit you out, and do everything possible to keep you from knowing God's Divine Will, Plan and Purpose for your life by overloading you with all sorts of abuses, chaos, etc. etc.? Because he knows something you don't.
Satan knows that if you were to ever get hold of how awesome you really and truly are in God's sight and how powerful you really were to become (and actually truly are) because you realize that you are a child of God Most High, and that you also have The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness at your personal disposal ... he knows how much you'd be handing over to him the whoop-ass he deserves. Instead, he tries to give you a whoop-ass of your own that is so intense and often relentless with little reprieve so you start beating yourself up and caving in to all the antics of his minions. But the reality is, we don't have to take it. We have a powerful ally on our side to help us out. We have God The Father, God The Son, and God The Holy Spirit, The Blood of Christ, The Word of God, as well as The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness on our side. All on the side of Righteousness, Justice and Truth. ... The Devil will do anything to keep us from worshiping God. He will do anything to cause us to lose our focus so our attention is diverted from that which is right, just and true. And we, like the saps we are, repeatedly fall for it. We are so often caught unawares because we are so ignorant of his devices, something God commands us not to be, by the way. We seldom pay attention to ourselves, what's really going on in a given situation (or behind the scenes in the situation), or what it's really all about. We easily succumb to the banter in our minds as well as in the hearing of our ears because we are stupid enough to not pay attention. We therefore do ourselves a great disservice and often a great injustice to the body of Christ as well as to The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness. And we most certainly prove ourselves quite unwise and unintelligent and unenlightened beings. And we prove ourselves not on The Path of The Highway of God. Why? Because we are human beings. Because we don't pay attention to what is really going on in spirit and in truth; only to what we deem truly credible with our physical senses, which is not the most reliable source of truth or light.
Thankfully, God created us to be one family. We have each other to rely on, for goodness' sake. God's Truth for us, about us, and readily available to us, is something we'd be foolish to ignore or treat lightly or disregard. God never meant for us to, nor did He design us to live in the dark. God would have never said, "Let there be Light" if that were the case. God said "Let there be Light" because it was, is, and ever shall be of utmost importance that we live, move, and have our being in, through and by The Sun of Righteousness - Jesus Christ. We must always remember this. That's why Jesus Christ is The Way, The Truth, The Light and The Life of men ... of our lives. We just need to let go and let God. We need to let go and let Christ glorify God in us and through us so God can be glorified all around us for the sake of The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness. It is imperative that we understand this. We must all come to our senses. We must all put the devil in his place ... under our feet and out of our minds, bodies, affairs and relationships. We must take the authority God gave us and use it wisely, even stripping away the authority the devil thinks he has over us and instead using the authority God gave us over him. God never intended for us to be losers. He made us to be victorious. He has done everything to give us hope as well as a wonderful future. He even devised a Plan with a Purpose for us that causes us to flourish in accordance with God's omnipotent goodness. GOD IS LOVE and nothing less. And we are here to serve Almighty God, Our Father in Heaven, here on earth for the express purpose of blessing, expanding and increasing The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness on earth as it is in Heaven, to the glory of God The Father, in Jesus' Name. Amen.
(c) 2014; Terri Spahr, aka (Prayer Writer Terri)
Thursday, March 13, 2014
Precious Family, Friends and Life Colleagues,
Today I was reading from Luke Chapter 6 from the Amplified Version. What I read in this version of God's Word was astounding to me. Thoughts I had had from time to time, nearly exactly as written in this particular version, were all there in black and white. And what I didn't have or had questioned within myself was plainly spelled out. This particular bit of Scripture is something very needful for the whole world to thoroughly digest, assimilate and put into practice. -- Right now I can't say much. I have much to say, mind you, but now is not the time. However, I wholeheartedly recommend this particular passage of Scripture, Luke chapter 6, be read from the Amplified version of the Bible.
Upon reflection regarding this particular passage of Scripture, I pose this question; Can you bless your enemies?? Can you honestly and truly forgive any or all the offenses against you and truly bless your enemies?? -- This is all I can say about this right now. It's a pretty amazing passage of Scripture. Blessing your enemies is only a part of it, though a huge chunk. However, there are particular verses that help to readjust the heart & soul, mind & spirit of a person so that their thoughts (and words) regarding their offenders, themselves, and about their particular lot in life are set aright through enlightenment.
This particular passage of Scripture is meant to shine light on the darkness thereby bringing order out of chaos. So for those of my Precious Family, Friends and Life Colleagues who have suffered a daunting life of abuse, this particular chapter in Scripture will minister to you in a very powerful life-affirming way. The Truth contained in this chapter is enlightening, corrective, even commanding. But it is for the highest good of all concerned as well as for all involved.
There is much I could explain here, but it is more wise to keep quiet at this moment and let you read (and Hear) from God Himself.
God love you, Precious Family, Friends and Life Colleagues. God bless you and keep you. God make His Face shine upon you and be exceedingly gracious to you. God lift His Countenance upon you and give you peace beyond description. In Jesus' Mighty Name, Amen.
(c) 2014; Terri Spahr, aka: (Prayer Writer Terri)
Today I was reading from Luke Chapter 6 from the Amplified Version. What I read in this version of God's Word was astounding to me. Thoughts I had had from time to time, nearly exactly as written in this particular version, were all there in black and white. And what I didn't have or had questioned within myself was plainly spelled out. This particular bit of Scripture is something very needful for the whole world to thoroughly digest, assimilate and put into practice. -- Right now I can't say much. I have much to say, mind you, but now is not the time. However, I wholeheartedly recommend this particular passage of Scripture, Luke chapter 6, be read from the Amplified version of the Bible.
Upon reflection regarding this particular passage of Scripture, I pose this question; Can you bless your enemies?? Can you honestly and truly forgive any or all the offenses against you and truly bless your enemies?? -- This is all I can say about this right now. It's a pretty amazing passage of Scripture. Blessing your enemies is only a part of it, though a huge chunk. However, there are particular verses that help to readjust the heart & soul, mind & spirit of a person so that their thoughts (and words) regarding their offenders, themselves, and about their particular lot in life are set aright through enlightenment.
This particular passage of Scripture is meant to shine light on the darkness thereby bringing order out of chaos. So for those of my Precious Family, Friends and Life Colleagues who have suffered a daunting life of abuse, this particular chapter in Scripture will minister to you in a very powerful life-affirming way. The Truth contained in this chapter is enlightening, corrective, even commanding. But it is for the highest good of all concerned as well as for all involved.
There is much I could explain here, but it is more wise to keep quiet at this moment and let you read (and Hear) from God Himself.
God love you, Precious Family, Friends and Life Colleagues. God bless you and keep you. God make His Face shine upon you and be exceedingly gracious to you. God lift His Countenance upon you and give you peace beyond description. In Jesus' Mighty Name, Amen.
(c) 2014; Terri Spahr, aka: (Prayer Writer Terri)
Monday, March 10, 2014
Precious Family, Friends and Life Colleagues,
How are you all doing? Well I trust. How many of you reminisce about your life experiences? My husband does that quite well. Me, not so much. It's not my thing. However, I do enjoy watching The Waltons and hearing Earl Hamner reminisce about his life. He has some pretty amazing memories to draw on that convey a wonderful life. I do so enjoy hearing about a wonderful life. And the style with which Mr. Hamner shares his life is done with such beautiful eloquence that it's easy to be enthralled by such opulence. Although Mr. Hamner might not agree with my assessment of his life being opulent, I am sure that he would agree that his life was quite good nonetheless, compared to many. I am so grateful that his life was something he appreciated and did not take for granted, and that it was filled with amazing love. Not everyone can say that. Not everyone can say their life has been replete with love. I can't. In fact, there are many who cannot even say they experienced real love at all in their lives. There are many who have no inkling of what it means to be loved, honored, cherished or respected even a little bit. But it seems shows like The Waltons, Little House on The Prairie, even Christy and Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman help to fill those voids that God never intended for any of us to experience.
Such shows are nostalgic indeed, but nonetheless, leave a lasting impression of wondrous good. They prove that though love's experience might be lacking in the lives of some, it also proves that there are those whose lives are so full of love that they don't mind letting it overflow into the lives of others ... even into the lives of the unintended stranger. Such people go out of their way to make sure everybody who comes into their lives are by no means meant to be strangers in God's world or in theirs. They put to practice the real meaning of The Good Samaritan with a fervent abandon because as they see it, no one is designed to be lost or meant to be a stranger. They make sure that everyone who crosses their path is welcomed and worthy of utmost respect and kindness. They make sure to imprint the world with as much love and goodness as God Himself would have us all to experience, not just a select few.
Such people are worthy of noting. Such people understand how much our lives intertwine for goodness' sake. Such people are worthy of our admiration and emulation. Such people whether they know it or not truly honor God, for they unwittingly manifest Heaven on earth. They may only know that they are living as honorable, integrity filled lives as they can, but in reality they are demonstrating the very essence of Heaven and manifesting It on earth.
Heavenly Father,
Thank You for giving us living examples of Heaven's glorious wonder manifest on earth. Thank You for showing us how wonderful Heaven really is in our own lives and how accepting of us. Thank You for all the wonderful ways we experience Heaven's tender mercy and amazing grace, even by television. Many of us need to feed off these wonderful television programs just to have a glimpse of hope spring up in us. Many of us also realize that for some such television programs also reflect the real life of others that we really wish was our own but for some reason was not. We can't be jealous of them, Heavenly Father, for You have allotted to each of us a life uniquely our own for the express purpose of Thy glorious praise.
Heavenly Father,
For all the ways You encourage us; for all the ways You lift us up and give us hope, thank You. Some things are for nostalgia, but everything, even nostalgia, has its place for the sake of promoting highest good. Sometimes these television programs promote more good than we even realize, like peace, harmony, good will and love, for example. It might even be that these programs are our only means of experiencing Heaven in our lives for a time. That they are meant to be a bridge to help us get to where we are going on the way to where we are meant to be. Such programs are a part of our lives to help inspire us, even to help us experience the goodness that otherwise might be missing from our lives. Whatever the case may be, Heavenly Father, I thank You that there is nothing that You cannot use for goodness' sake or for Your glory and honor. Glory to God!
Heavenly Father,
For those members of my Precious Family, Friends and Life Colleagues who find themselves without hope and/or without any sense of purpose or good Samaritan in their life due to all the chaos, turmoil and ugliness that has infected their world, I pray You make The Way of Heaven available to them in Your own wonderful way. To the Creator and Possessor of all the Universe displayed, You Yourself took control of all the darkness that was upon the face of the deep by saying "Let there be Light." So in humble gratitude I give praise to You for reaching down into the very life of every member of my Precious Family, Friends and Life Colleagues, and into the very depths of their situation, even into the very depths of the darkness that entrenches their soul ... and I praise You for speaking into them as well as into their particular situations, and for saying "LET THERE BE LIGHT!". In humble gratitude I give praise that there is absolutely nothing that can withstand the voice of God and the power of His majesty.
I love You, Lord God. I love that You are Our Heavenly Father. I love that though people may fail us and do us great harm because they let Your enemy (and ours) have his way in and through them. But You in no wise will fail us nor forsake us. You are not in any way against us but in every way You are very much for us. So for us are You that even all of The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness is at Thy beck and call to help us. Thanks be to God from Whom all blessings flow, even all of The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness is available to us. Glory to God Most High!.
Heavenly Father,
Am I the only one to know this? I can't be. But even if I am, I pray You help me reveal this Divine Truth in such a way that will be most beneficial to The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness on earth. I pray that the members of The Church of Jesus Christ on earth would welcome this Truth with the integrity with which You have designed to empower us for the ultimate experience. Jesus commanded that we overcome evil with good, and there is no greater good than the omnipotent goodness of God and The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness. He even declared that "this is the victory that overcomes the world, even our faith." And our faith must be in God's omnipotent goodness as well as in the glory, honor, power and majesty of The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness. Such things are freely available to us and intended to work in us and through us for the sake of all concerned and all involved. None of us is an island completely to himself, not even God. God needs us and we need God. And the ultimate experience is beyond anything we can currently comprehend, but even a mere glimpse of It is the most amazing treasure to behold, to have, to hold and to enjoy.
=========================================================== Jesus Christ is very much indeed The Hope of Glory, for which in humble gratitude I give praise. But is He the ultimate hope of glory or is it The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness at work in and through Jesus Christ, and manifest as a result of Christ, that is the ultimate hope of glory. See, even to put it in words like this may seem to be beyond comprehension. But have you ever considered what Heaven's hope of glory might be? The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness being Heaven? Might it be that Heaven's hope of glory is us understanding God's glory and in all our ways of living, being and doing giving God glory in like manner as Heaven? Might it be that we join Heaven in truly worshiping God and giving Him the glory He is so rightly due?
=========================================================== Heavenly Father,
This last paragraph as well as the last part of the paragraph before it could be addressing everybody, not just You. It seems that in retrospect that I might be addressing more than just You, Heavenly Father; like the sentiment had transitioned. However, the works of my hands are meant for Thy glory and praise. I trust You know what it is that needs to be conveyed. I also trust that You know the correct and proper answer to the questions asked and who will most benefit from them.
Heavenly Father,
Is Jesus Christ really The Answer or is it The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness? Might it be The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness manifest as a result of Jesus Christ? Whatever the true answer might be, in humble gratitude I give thanks that Jesus Christ is The Sun of Righteousness and that at His beck and call is the glory and power of The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness. And I give thanks that the glory of The Kingdom of God is Jesus Christ exalted, God The Father glorified, and God The Holy Spirit magnified. I believe such is the essence of truly blessing and being a blessing to The Kingdom of God for which we are all a part of. Should You find my assessments to be in error, I give thanks that You will correct it in Your own wonderful way and set me strait. Thankfully, You know me. You know my heart. And You know that I am open and receptive to learning what I need to learn so that I can be of benefit to God Our Father, to God The Son, to God The Holy Spirit, as well as to The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness. For the sake of God's glory, honor, power, praise and majesty I must be open and receptive to my Teacher's Wisdom, Insight and Instruction. I don't know who of my Precious Family, Friends and Life Colleagues my learnings can help or which of my learnings will produce a tremendous harvest of omnipotent good. Thankfully, we are all in class together whether we all realize it or not. And thankfully, we have no greater Teacher more present in our lives and affairs than Christ Himself and The Holy Spirit of God Most High, and no greater Help at His disposal on our behalf and for our benefit than The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness. Glory to God in The Highest!
Heavenly Father,
What a wonderfully powerful blessing it is that Jesus Christ is King of kings and Lord of lords, and that we have been commanded to seek first The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness. In understanding this we learn the truth that sets us free from the kingdom of darkness, sin and shame. I pray the lessons associated with this Truth will work marvelous miracles and create bountiful blessings in all our lives and affairs for God's glory. In Jesus' Holy and Blessed Name, to God be the glory. Amen.
(c)2014; Terri Spahr, aka: (Prayer Writer Terri)
How are you all doing? Well I trust. How many of you reminisce about your life experiences? My husband does that quite well. Me, not so much. It's not my thing. However, I do enjoy watching The Waltons and hearing Earl Hamner reminisce about his life. He has some pretty amazing memories to draw on that convey a wonderful life. I do so enjoy hearing about a wonderful life. And the style with which Mr. Hamner shares his life is done with such beautiful eloquence that it's easy to be enthralled by such opulence. Although Mr. Hamner might not agree with my assessment of his life being opulent, I am sure that he would agree that his life was quite good nonetheless, compared to many. I am so grateful that his life was something he appreciated and did not take for granted, and that it was filled with amazing love. Not everyone can say that. Not everyone can say their life has been replete with love. I can't. In fact, there are many who cannot even say they experienced real love at all in their lives. There are many who have no inkling of what it means to be loved, honored, cherished or respected even a little bit. But it seems shows like The Waltons, Little House on The Prairie, even Christy and Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman help to fill those voids that God never intended for any of us to experience.
Such shows are nostalgic indeed, but nonetheless, leave a lasting impression of wondrous good. They prove that though love's experience might be lacking in the lives of some, it also proves that there are those whose lives are so full of love that they don't mind letting it overflow into the lives of others ... even into the lives of the unintended stranger. Such people go out of their way to make sure everybody who comes into their lives are by no means meant to be strangers in God's world or in theirs. They put to practice the real meaning of The Good Samaritan with a fervent abandon because as they see it, no one is designed to be lost or meant to be a stranger. They make sure that everyone who crosses their path is welcomed and worthy of utmost respect and kindness. They make sure to imprint the world with as much love and goodness as God Himself would have us all to experience, not just a select few.
Such people are worthy of noting. Such people understand how much our lives intertwine for goodness' sake. Such people are worthy of our admiration and emulation. Such people whether they know it or not truly honor God, for they unwittingly manifest Heaven on earth. They may only know that they are living as honorable, integrity filled lives as they can, but in reality they are demonstrating the very essence of Heaven and manifesting It on earth.
Heavenly Father,
Thank You for giving us living examples of Heaven's glorious wonder manifest on earth. Thank You for showing us how wonderful Heaven really is in our own lives and how accepting of us. Thank You for all the wonderful ways we experience Heaven's tender mercy and amazing grace, even by television. Many of us need to feed off these wonderful television programs just to have a glimpse of hope spring up in us. Many of us also realize that for some such television programs also reflect the real life of others that we really wish was our own but for some reason was not. We can't be jealous of them, Heavenly Father, for You have allotted to each of us a life uniquely our own for the express purpose of Thy glorious praise.
Heavenly Father,
For all the ways You encourage us; for all the ways You lift us up and give us hope, thank You. Some things are for nostalgia, but everything, even nostalgia, has its place for the sake of promoting highest good. Sometimes these television programs promote more good than we even realize, like peace, harmony, good will and love, for example. It might even be that these programs are our only means of experiencing Heaven in our lives for a time. That they are meant to be a bridge to help us get to where we are going on the way to where we are meant to be. Such programs are a part of our lives to help inspire us, even to help us experience the goodness that otherwise might be missing from our lives. Whatever the case may be, Heavenly Father, I thank You that there is nothing that You cannot use for goodness' sake or for Your glory and honor. Glory to God!
Heavenly Father,
For those members of my Precious Family, Friends and Life Colleagues who find themselves without hope and/or without any sense of purpose or good Samaritan in their life due to all the chaos, turmoil and ugliness that has infected their world, I pray You make The Way of Heaven available to them in Your own wonderful way. To the Creator and Possessor of all the Universe displayed, You Yourself took control of all the darkness that was upon the face of the deep by saying "Let there be Light." So in humble gratitude I give praise to You for reaching down into the very life of every member of my Precious Family, Friends and Life Colleagues, and into the very depths of their situation, even into the very depths of the darkness that entrenches their soul ... and I praise You for speaking into them as well as into their particular situations, and for saying "LET THERE BE LIGHT!". In humble gratitude I give praise that there is absolutely nothing that can withstand the voice of God and the power of His majesty.
I love You, Lord God. I love that You are Our Heavenly Father. I love that though people may fail us and do us great harm because they let Your enemy (and ours) have his way in and through them. But You in no wise will fail us nor forsake us. You are not in any way against us but in every way You are very much for us. So for us are You that even all of The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness is at Thy beck and call to help us. Thanks be to God from Whom all blessings flow, even all of The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness is available to us. Glory to God Most High!.
Heavenly Father,
Am I the only one to know this? I can't be. But even if I am, I pray You help me reveal this Divine Truth in such a way that will be most beneficial to The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness on earth. I pray that the members of The Church of Jesus Christ on earth would welcome this Truth with the integrity with which You have designed to empower us for the ultimate experience. Jesus commanded that we overcome evil with good, and there is no greater good than the omnipotent goodness of God and The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness. He even declared that "this is the victory that overcomes the world, even our faith." And our faith must be in God's omnipotent goodness as well as in the glory, honor, power and majesty of The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness. Such things are freely available to us and intended to work in us and through us for the sake of all concerned and all involved. None of us is an island completely to himself, not even God. God needs us and we need God. And the ultimate experience is beyond anything we can currently comprehend, but even a mere glimpse of It is the most amazing treasure to behold, to have, to hold and to enjoy.
=========================================================== Jesus Christ is very much indeed The Hope of Glory, for which in humble gratitude I give praise. But is He the ultimate hope of glory or is it The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness at work in and through Jesus Christ, and manifest as a result of Christ, that is the ultimate hope of glory. See, even to put it in words like this may seem to be beyond comprehension. But have you ever considered what Heaven's hope of glory might be? The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness being Heaven? Might it be that Heaven's hope of glory is us understanding God's glory and in all our ways of living, being and doing giving God glory in like manner as Heaven? Might it be that we join Heaven in truly worshiping God and giving Him the glory He is so rightly due?
=========================================================== Heavenly Father,
This last paragraph as well as the last part of the paragraph before it could be addressing everybody, not just You. It seems that in retrospect that I might be addressing more than just You, Heavenly Father; like the sentiment had transitioned. However, the works of my hands are meant for Thy glory and praise. I trust You know what it is that needs to be conveyed. I also trust that You know the correct and proper answer to the questions asked and who will most benefit from them.
Heavenly Father,
Is Jesus Christ really The Answer or is it The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness? Might it be The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness manifest as a result of Jesus Christ? Whatever the true answer might be, in humble gratitude I give thanks that Jesus Christ is The Sun of Righteousness and that at His beck and call is the glory and power of The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness. And I give thanks that the glory of The Kingdom of God is Jesus Christ exalted, God The Father glorified, and God The Holy Spirit magnified. I believe such is the essence of truly blessing and being a blessing to The Kingdom of God for which we are all a part of. Should You find my assessments to be in error, I give thanks that You will correct it in Your own wonderful way and set me strait. Thankfully, You know me. You know my heart. And You know that I am open and receptive to learning what I need to learn so that I can be of benefit to God Our Father, to God The Son, to God The Holy Spirit, as well as to The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness. For the sake of God's glory, honor, power, praise and majesty I must be open and receptive to my Teacher's Wisdom, Insight and Instruction. I don't know who of my Precious Family, Friends and Life Colleagues my learnings can help or which of my learnings will produce a tremendous harvest of omnipotent good. Thankfully, we are all in class together whether we all realize it or not. And thankfully, we have no greater Teacher more present in our lives and affairs than Christ Himself and The Holy Spirit of God Most High, and no greater Help at His disposal on our behalf and for our benefit than The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness. Glory to God in The Highest!
Heavenly Father,
What a wonderfully powerful blessing it is that Jesus Christ is King of kings and Lord of lords, and that we have been commanded to seek first The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness. In understanding this we learn the truth that sets us free from the kingdom of darkness, sin and shame. I pray the lessons associated with this Truth will work marvelous miracles and create bountiful blessings in all our lives and affairs for God's glory. In Jesus' Holy and Blessed Name, to God be the glory. Amen.
(c)2014; Terri Spahr, aka: (Prayer Writer Terri)
Heavenly Father,
What a precious gift You have seen fit to implement in our lives. Every member of my Precious Family, Friends and Life Colleagues, has so much to be grateful for. You saw fit to help us spring forward in time to a place filled with more light, more time (even though on the surface it appears we lose time), and all around more good than we even realize. Heavenly Father, You saw fit to allow for time adjustments in our day to day lives periodically throughout the year. Whatever time we may lose during these adjustments You somehow make sure to redeem and give back in Your own wonderful way. There are times when we have so much light that we don't need much sleep and other times there is much less light, so we either strain to keep going or are forced to shut down and recuperate.
Heavenly Father,
This past winter has been hard on the nation and on other parts of the world. So much has happened and many are aghast with the thought of dread and wonder as to when it's going to be all over so we can enjoy the dawning of spring's fresh renewing. Others are more attune to what You are doing and what You are attempting to convey to us. You have warned us and warned us concerning our ways, Heavenly Father. Even Mother Nature (as they say) has spoken volumes concerning our behaviors, thoughts and words against each other, the earth and You. Please forgive us for all the ways in which we have chosen to transgress Divine Law, Divine Love, Divine Truth, Wisdom and Justice. Forgive us for all the ways in which we refused to let Righteousness reign supreme in our hearts & souls, minds & spirits; and for all the ways we refused to let Righteousness reign through us for the sake of all concerned.
Heavenly Father,
We have been warned to keep watch to the skies for they tell of The Lord's coming. Yet how wise it is for us to simply keep watch to guard our hearts & souls, our minds & spirits, and all our ways of being and doing from moment to moment, day by day, year by year so that we can know the Wisdom of God and live, move and have our beings in God's wonderful light. Till we do this we will always fall short of the glory of God. And yet there is still a more excellent way. There is a more excellent way which would behoove us to appreciate, to study, welcome and adore ... the way of Jesus Christ, The Sun of Righteousness, Who is a True Shepard, a True Leader, Guide and Teacher. He is The Way, The Truth, The Light and The Life of us all ... if we will but let Him be King of kings and Lord of lords in our lives, affairs and relationships. By Christ is God Our Father in Heaven glorified and The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness manifest and magnified on earth as it is in Heaven.
Heavenly Father,
You have brought us forward in time for a reason. You have brought us forward in time to taste the essence of Thy amazing grace, tender mercy, perfect love, and wonder working power. You have brought us forward in time so we could experience the power of Thy loving embrace and empowering virtue. And in the springing forward in time, we are so richly blessed by the experience of Heaven and Nature singing praises and glory unto You, God Most High, Creator and Possessor of all the Universe displayed. How I pray that we would all wake up and realize just how wonderful it is for us all to live and move and have our being in the midst of Heaven and Nature and to enjoy their illustrious delight in doing what we are often derelict ourselves in doing ... worshiping God The Father, God The Sun and God The Holy Spirit. This is something by which Heaven and Nature can never be found guilty, for it is their pride and joy. And we who dwell a midst their delight have ourselves become blinded, illiterate, deaf and dumb to something so intrinsic to life's true reality because we were/are stupid enough to take it for granted.
Heavenly Father,
You are right in correcting us. You are right to get upset. Yet how awesome of You to keep in mind that we are mere mortals whose frailties and shortcomings seem to be in many ways superficial and without merit, yet in many ways because we are fallen short of the glory of God, we cannot help but live a life intrinsic to failings and shortcomings. So how is it we make up the difference, Heavenly Father? Thankfully, Jesus Christ is The Answer. Thankfully, The Sun of Righteousness is our help in every need, and Who lights our way every moment of our day ... Who is our Wisdom, even our Health as well as our Strength, ... Who is nothing less than the glory of God manifest to us, in us and through us ... the Benefit of us all with Whom we are foolish not to welcome, receive, respect, learn from or enjoy. Jesus comes with so many benefits that we are foolish to simply choose disgrace and dishonor in lieu of choosing Grace, Honor and all the Virtues of God and Heaven which Jesus represents and actually is.
Lord Jesus,
You are The Sun of Righteousness. You are The True King and Lord of The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness. You are the Truest Friend anyone could ever hope to know or be so richly blessed to have in their life. Many of my Precious Family, Friends and Life Colleagues need You right now, Lord Jesus. Many are in desperate situations so grave that You are their only real hope of surviving. You are their only chance at obtaining a testimony for God's glory. You are the miracle they need, Lord Jesus. Please help them. Minister to them. Reveal God's Omnipotent Goodness to them in a way that makes it clear to them that God is very much indeed for them, not against them. That God has a Divine Plan and Purpose for their lives and that there are others who need to know their testimony just so they know that they are not alone. That if God did it for them, He will do it for them as well, because God is no respecter of persons. What God does for one He will also do for another...Even when it comes to getting all of The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness involved and sending His Archangels to help save and deliver them. Even if it means They minister to them God's love, or They feed them from God's bounty. Whatever God's Will is for them, they experience It in a wonderfully powerful way. Whatever it takes so they have their own personal testimony to share that glorifies God in The Highest.
Lord Jesus,
Heaven ministered to You in Your times of need. The Angels of God Most High tended to You. And since what God does for one He will also do for another, I give great thanks that God will also do for others of my Precious Family, Friends and Life Colleagues as He has done for You. I also give thanks for all the ways You Yourself minister to the members of my Precious Family, Friends and Life Colleagues, even as You did to Your disciples; to Mary and Martha; to the woman with the issue of blood; to Thomas; to Zachaeus; the Roman Centurion; to the ten leapers and the man chained in the graveyard; even to Saul of Tarsus. These are but a few with whom You ministered, Lord Jesus, listed as Biblical reference. There are many many more besides these. But if You freely ministered to these, surely You will also freely minister to the rest of us the glory of God's amazing grace, tender mercy and perfect love. Surely You will freely minister to the members of my Precious Family, Friends and Life Colleagues, so we all can have an awesome testimony regarding the glory of God's omnipotent goodness. And I thank You for doing just that, Lord Jesus, since there are many of my Precious Family, Friends and Life Colleagues whose life is in the balance and who are holding on with everything they've got only to be scarcely holding on because of their fierce opponent, God's opponent. Lord Jesus, encourage them. Strengthen their hearts & souls, mind & spirits. Make available to them all of Heaven's resources. Forgive them of their sins and iniquities. Heal them and deliver them, Lord Jesus. Shine the glory of God's marvelous light into the midst of their situations and let God be praised, Lord Jesus.
Lord Jesus,
We can't make it without You. We can't even do right or serve God without You. There is no way we can bless God or be a blessing to The Kingdom of God without You. Neither can we testify of the glory of God's amazing grace, tender mercy, perfect love or marvelous light without or apart from You. Thank You for all that You are to God, Lord Jesus. And thank You for all that You are to us. Thank You for all the ways You cause us to worship God and give Him the glory He is due. Thank You for all the ways You help us and bless us, Lord Jesus. Thank You. Thank You. Thank You. ... And thank You for all the ways You help the various members of my Precious Family, Friends and Life Colleagues to spring forward into a new life filled with so much of God's omnipotent goodness that they can't help but experience hope and a future filled with God's glory. Thank You for all the ways You help us all to spring forward into our rightful place in God's Kingdom, Lord Jesus, for the sake of all concerned, Lord Jesus.
To God be the glory, honor, power, praise and majesty, now, forever and always, in all ways, through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.
God bless you Precious Family, Friends and Life Colleagues. God bless you and keep you. God make His Face to shine upon you and be exceedingly gracious to you. God lift His Countenance upon you and give you peace ... and an awesome testimony that you can't help but share with others concerning the glory and power of His redeeming amazing grace. :0)
What a precious gift You have seen fit to implement in our lives. Every member of my Precious Family, Friends and Life Colleagues, has so much to be grateful for. You saw fit to help us spring forward in time to a place filled with more light, more time (even though on the surface it appears we lose time), and all around more good than we even realize. Heavenly Father, You saw fit to allow for time adjustments in our day to day lives periodically throughout the year. Whatever time we may lose during these adjustments You somehow make sure to redeem and give back in Your own wonderful way. There are times when we have so much light that we don't need much sleep and other times there is much less light, so we either strain to keep going or are forced to shut down and recuperate.
Heavenly Father,
This past winter has been hard on the nation and on other parts of the world. So much has happened and many are aghast with the thought of dread and wonder as to when it's going to be all over so we can enjoy the dawning of spring's fresh renewing. Others are more attune to what You are doing and what You are attempting to convey to us. You have warned us and warned us concerning our ways, Heavenly Father. Even Mother Nature (as they say) has spoken volumes concerning our behaviors, thoughts and words against each other, the earth and You. Please forgive us for all the ways in which we have chosen to transgress Divine Law, Divine Love, Divine Truth, Wisdom and Justice. Forgive us for all the ways in which we refused to let Righteousness reign supreme in our hearts & souls, minds & spirits; and for all the ways we refused to let Righteousness reign through us for the sake of all concerned.
Heavenly Father,
We have been warned to keep watch to the skies for they tell of The Lord's coming. Yet how wise it is for us to simply keep watch to guard our hearts & souls, our minds & spirits, and all our ways of being and doing from moment to moment, day by day, year by year so that we can know the Wisdom of God and live, move and have our beings in God's wonderful light. Till we do this we will always fall short of the glory of God. And yet there is still a more excellent way. There is a more excellent way which would behoove us to appreciate, to study, welcome and adore ... the way of Jesus Christ, The Sun of Righteousness, Who is a True Shepard, a True Leader, Guide and Teacher. He is The Way, The Truth, The Light and The Life of us all ... if we will but let Him be King of kings and Lord of lords in our lives, affairs and relationships. By Christ is God Our Father in Heaven glorified and The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness manifest and magnified on earth as it is in Heaven.
Heavenly Father,
You have brought us forward in time for a reason. You have brought us forward in time to taste the essence of Thy amazing grace, tender mercy, perfect love, and wonder working power. You have brought us forward in time so we could experience the power of Thy loving embrace and empowering virtue. And in the springing forward in time, we are so richly blessed by the experience of Heaven and Nature singing praises and glory unto You, God Most High, Creator and Possessor of all the Universe displayed. How I pray that we would all wake up and realize just how wonderful it is for us all to live and move and have our being in the midst of Heaven and Nature and to enjoy their illustrious delight in doing what we are often derelict ourselves in doing ... worshiping God The Father, God The Sun and God The Holy Spirit. This is something by which Heaven and Nature can never be found guilty, for it is their pride and joy. And we who dwell a midst their delight have ourselves become blinded, illiterate, deaf and dumb to something so intrinsic to life's true reality because we were/are stupid enough to take it for granted.
Heavenly Father,
You are right in correcting us. You are right to get upset. Yet how awesome of You to keep in mind that we are mere mortals whose frailties and shortcomings seem to be in many ways superficial and without merit, yet in many ways because we are fallen short of the glory of God, we cannot help but live a life intrinsic to failings and shortcomings. So how is it we make up the difference, Heavenly Father? Thankfully, Jesus Christ is The Answer. Thankfully, The Sun of Righteousness is our help in every need, and Who lights our way every moment of our day ... Who is our Wisdom, even our Health as well as our Strength, ... Who is nothing less than the glory of God manifest to us, in us and through us ... the Benefit of us all with Whom we are foolish not to welcome, receive, respect, learn from or enjoy. Jesus comes with so many benefits that we are foolish to simply choose disgrace and dishonor in lieu of choosing Grace, Honor and all the Virtues of God and Heaven which Jesus represents and actually is.
Lord Jesus,
You are The Sun of Righteousness. You are The True King and Lord of The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness. You are the Truest Friend anyone could ever hope to know or be so richly blessed to have in their life. Many of my Precious Family, Friends and Life Colleagues need You right now, Lord Jesus. Many are in desperate situations so grave that You are their only real hope of surviving. You are their only chance at obtaining a testimony for God's glory. You are the miracle they need, Lord Jesus. Please help them. Minister to them. Reveal God's Omnipotent Goodness to them in a way that makes it clear to them that God is very much indeed for them, not against them. That God has a Divine Plan and Purpose for their lives and that there are others who need to know their testimony just so they know that they are not alone. That if God did it for them, He will do it for them as well, because God is no respecter of persons. What God does for one He will also do for another...Even when it comes to getting all of The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness involved and sending His Archangels to help save and deliver them. Even if it means They minister to them God's love, or They feed them from God's bounty. Whatever God's Will is for them, they experience It in a wonderfully powerful way. Whatever it takes so they have their own personal testimony to share that glorifies God in The Highest.
Lord Jesus,
Heaven ministered to You in Your times of need. The Angels of God Most High tended to You. And since what God does for one He will also do for another, I give great thanks that God will also do for others of my Precious Family, Friends and Life Colleagues as He has done for You. I also give thanks for all the ways You Yourself minister to the members of my Precious Family, Friends and Life Colleagues, even as You did to Your disciples; to Mary and Martha; to the woman with the issue of blood; to Thomas; to Zachaeus; the Roman Centurion; to the ten leapers and the man chained in the graveyard; even to Saul of Tarsus. These are but a few with whom You ministered, Lord Jesus, listed as Biblical reference. There are many many more besides these. But if You freely ministered to these, surely You will also freely minister to the rest of us the glory of God's amazing grace, tender mercy and perfect love. Surely You will freely minister to the members of my Precious Family, Friends and Life Colleagues, so we all can have an awesome testimony regarding the glory of God's omnipotent goodness. And I thank You for doing just that, Lord Jesus, since there are many of my Precious Family, Friends and Life Colleagues whose life is in the balance and who are holding on with everything they've got only to be scarcely holding on because of their fierce opponent, God's opponent. Lord Jesus, encourage them. Strengthen their hearts & souls, mind & spirits. Make available to them all of Heaven's resources. Forgive them of their sins and iniquities. Heal them and deliver them, Lord Jesus. Shine the glory of God's marvelous light into the midst of their situations and let God be praised, Lord Jesus.
Lord Jesus,
We can't make it without You. We can't even do right or serve God without You. There is no way we can bless God or be a blessing to The Kingdom of God without You. Neither can we testify of the glory of God's amazing grace, tender mercy, perfect love or marvelous light without or apart from You. Thank You for all that You are to God, Lord Jesus. And thank You for all that You are to us. Thank You for all the ways You cause us to worship God and give Him the glory He is due. Thank You for all the ways You help us and bless us, Lord Jesus. Thank You. Thank You. Thank You. ... And thank You for all the ways You help the various members of my Precious Family, Friends and Life Colleagues to spring forward into a new life filled with so much of God's omnipotent goodness that they can't help but experience hope and a future filled with God's glory. Thank You for all the ways You help us all to spring forward into our rightful place in God's Kingdom, Lord Jesus, for the sake of all concerned, Lord Jesus.
To God be the glory, honor, power, praise and majesty, now, forever and always, in all ways, through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.
God bless you Precious Family, Friends and Life Colleagues. God bless you and keep you. God make His Face to shine upon you and be exceedingly gracious to you. God lift His Countenance upon you and give you peace ... and an awesome testimony that you can't help but share with others concerning the glory and power of His redeeming amazing grace. :0)
Saturday, March 8, 2014
Wonderful day to you my Precious Family, Friends and Life Colleagues!!
I want to share something with you today. It has to do with Summerside Press, a publishing company. I have purchased a wonderful little book that dawns their name inside as its publication source. The comment states that they are an inspirational publisher offering fresh, irresistible books to uplift the heart and engage the mind. ... This particular statement honors its integrity with the particular book I was wise enough to purchase from a local store. And it's something that I can hardly wait to get their approval to publicly use so I can share with you in my own particular style and grace. So if you appreciate what it is that I bring to the world, please contact Summerside Press to let them know. Thank you very kindly. On behalf of all concerned, thank you very much. After all, there is none of us an island completely to himself. We all need as much help as we can get to help us do more than merely survive everyday life. We are here to help be a blessing to each the other in a way that honors us all as well as God.
I also found another publishing company of a particular magazine with which I am also totally unfamiliar. I need to study up on them. My style of writing is so unlike what's out there in the public forum that it may take a miracle for them to accept what I have to offer. However, their statement of value is that they do not take any journaling of any kind and that they only accept that which uplifts, encourages and brings an over-all feel-good sentiment to what is submitted to them and posted in their magazine. Which, by the way, does not offer any sort of advertisement whatsoever. How about that? A magazine that does not advertise anything in it except the writings it contains to bring a bit of peace, love, joy and encouragement to one's soul. Now isn't that amazing?! I think so. It's called The Sun. Anybody ever heard of The Sun Magazine before? I never did. Anybody familiar with this magazine, please feel free to drop me a note letting me know if you'd appreciate my writings being submitted to them. If so, then I pray you all rally for me concerning this magazine. That means not only praying for me, it also means showing your appreciation by contacting The Sun on my behalf. As of yet I have not contacted them. Instead, I am seeking the advice of those who appreciate my works to see if it be a worthwhile venture. Please let me know. Thank you. The Sun's main requirement is the love of writing and touching the reader's heart. I pray that my written works does just that for that is my intent. I pray that my writings impact the soul in a powerful, uplifting, supportive way. I may not know every person among my Precious Family, Friends and Life Colleagues, but that does not mean I cannot endeavor to touch and bless each and every one somehow someway.
Well, God richly bless you all in all that is good, right and most beneficial. God bless you and keep you. God make His face to shine upon you and be exceedingly gracious to you. God lift you up and give you peace. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
And thank you all for all the ways you show your support of my works and how much you value what it is I have to offer. I appreciate you all and wish only God's best for you. And thank you kindly for all the ways you prove to be Dear Friends and Precious Partners in this venture for the good of all concerned. God richly bless you. Amen. :0)
I want to share something with you today. It has to do with Summerside Press, a publishing company. I have purchased a wonderful little book that dawns their name inside as its publication source. The comment states that they are an inspirational publisher offering fresh, irresistible books to uplift the heart and engage the mind. ... This particular statement honors its integrity with the particular book I was wise enough to purchase from a local store. And it's something that I can hardly wait to get their approval to publicly use so I can share with you in my own particular style and grace. So if you appreciate what it is that I bring to the world, please contact Summerside Press to let them know. Thank you very kindly. On behalf of all concerned, thank you very much. After all, there is none of us an island completely to himself. We all need as much help as we can get to help us do more than merely survive everyday life. We are here to help be a blessing to each the other in a way that honors us all as well as God.
I also found another publishing company of a particular magazine with which I am also totally unfamiliar. I need to study up on them. My style of writing is so unlike what's out there in the public forum that it may take a miracle for them to accept what I have to offer. However, their statement of value is that they do not take any journaling of any kind and that they only accept that which uplifts, encourages and brings an over-all feel-good sentiment to what is submitted to them and posted in their magazine. Which, by the way, does not offer any sort of advertisement whatsoever. How about that? A magazine that does not advertise anything in it except the writings it contains to bring a bit of peace, love, joy and encouragement to one's soul. Now isn't that amazing?! I think so. It's called The Sun. Anybody ever heard of The Sun Magazine before? I never did. Anybody familiar with this magazine, please feel free to drop me a note letting me know if you'd appreciate my writings being submitted to them. If so, then I pray you all rally for me concerning this magazine. That means not only praying for me, it also means showing your appreciation by contacting The Sun on my behalf. As of yet I have not contacted them. Instead, I am seeking the advice of those who appreciate my works to see if it be a worthwhile venture. Please let me know. Thank you. The Sun's main requirement is the love of writing and touching the reader's heart. I pray that my written works does just that for that is my intent. I pray that my writings impact the soul in a powerful, uplifting, supportive way. I may not know every person among my Precious Family, Friends and Life Colleagues, but that does not mean I cannot endeavor to touch and bless each and every one somehow someway.
Well, God richly bless you all in all that is good, right and most beneficial. God bless you and keep you. God make His face to shine upon you and be exceedingly gracious to you. God lift you up and give you peace. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
And thank you all for all the ways you show your support of my works and how much you value what it is I have to offer. I appreciate you all and wish only God's best for you. And thank you kindly for all the ways you prove to be Dear Friends and Precious Partners in this venture for the good of all concerned. God richly bless you. Amen. :0)
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Hello Precious Family, Friends and Life Colleagues,
How's everybody doing? Well, I hope. Better, I trust.
Miss me while I was off-line? I missed being able to do this. I missed communicating with you all and lifting you up in this special way. But praise be to God Most High!, He corrected this issue through my Uncle Ron, who lovingly and graciously provided me a new computer. So, in appreciation for his benevolent generosity in providing me a new computer, please give my Uncle Ron in Wichita a shout out. Let him know how much you all appreciate my writings and how much they mean to you. Remember to thank God for it, too, and praise Him also, for the wonderful way He made sure to get me back online and for keeping me there for goodness' sake, in Jesus' Name.
I came across something from Summerside Press. I'm so excited about it and putting my own spin on it that I can hardly wait to share it with you. However, I must get permission from them first. Feel free to contact www.summersidepress.com to let them know how much you appreciate my works and how inspiring they are to you. Let them know that it's to our mutual benefit to approve my request regarding the use of their published works. Thank you.
Something else I greatly enjoy besides prayer writing is creating beautiful jewelry pieces. Haven't gotten into selling it yet, but if anybody's interested feel free to contact me. Once I learn how to post pictures I will do so, or maybe even create another site if that be a better way of doing things. Keep in mind that I am new to this and still have much to learn, so I am open to suggestions as well as information. Prayer writing will always be my greatest passion even though I do enjoy doing other things as well. However, regardless of what it is I do, it is my intention to plant blessings that reap a harvest of bountiful good.
Now, continuing on with what I do best ...
... Our Father Which Art in Heaven,
Hallowed be Thy Name.
Thy Kingdom Come,
Thy Will Be Done,
In us and through us as well as in and through every facet of our lives, affairs and relationships AS IT IS IN HEAVEN.
Give us this day revelation of Thy abiding Presence, Wisdom, Truth and Supernatural Insight, so that we may live, move and have our being this day in the glory of Thy marvelous light; that we may accomplish all that You desire of us; that we may also do all that we can to be the blessing we are meant to be, thereby exalting Christ, glorifying God, and manifesting Heaven every day in every way.
For it is You, Abba Father, Who does not lead us into temptation, but Who does deliver us from evil. Because it is You, Abba Father, Who has promised to never leave us nor forsake us, and Who truly does have a Divine Plan meant to bless and prosper us and to give us hope and a future.
And thanks to our Lord Jesus Christ, Who is The Way, The Truth, and The Light of our lives, and Who has intervened on our behalf before God and His enemy Satan, even unto death, because He was, is and ever shall be fully aware that ....
Thine alone, Almighty God, is The Kingdom, Glory, Honor, Power, Praise and Majesty, forever and ever. And He did it for all our sakes. For the sake of The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness, Jesus did what He did to redeem us from Satan's power, to deliver us from the kingdom of darkness, and to translate us into The Kingdom of Thy Marvelous Light.
And for whatever ways we have taken this lightly or not treated such amazing grace, tender mercy and perfect love, with the cherished respect due, Abba Father, please forgive us, in Jesus' Name. And Lord Jesus, please also forgive us. Were it not for You, Lord Jesus, we would be utterly without hope and our futures would most definitely be bleak and utterly disparing. But thanks to You, Lord Jesus, we do have hope and even a Divine Plan set in motion designed to create a spectacular future for the sake of God's glory. There is little wonder why You are King of kings and Lord of lords, Precious Jesus. No one else is fit for such honor. And most certainly, no one else could even possibly wear such a crown. No, that right is meant for no one else but You, Lord Jesus, for You are very much indeed The Sun of Righteousness.
Be exalted to the glory of God The Father, Lord Jesus. Be exalted to the glory of God The Father. Even in and through us, Lord Jesus, be exalted to the glory of God The Father, from this time forth and forevermore. Amen.
Lord Jesus,
Thank You, also, for all the ways You use my writings and this blog to glorify God. Thank You for providing me an outlet with which to share with others what is in the soul of my being for You. Do You think they realize how privileged they are to join in our conversation? Do You think they realize what an honor it is to join in such worship while at the same time also being lifted up? I pray they realize what a tremendous blessing and precious gift of amazing grace they are welcomed to participate in.
Lord Jesus,
Many are in a world of torment and upheaval right now and don't know where to turn. I pray that for their sakes they are given eyes to see the glorious wonders of The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness at work in their lives and affairs, even in the very midst of their circumstances. Lord Jesus, encompass them all with the miracle of Thy omnipotent goodness. Let Thy omnipotent goodness flood their darkness with God's Holy Light. And as a result, Lord Jesus, I pray they experience more goodness, more victory, power and strength, then they have ever experienced before.
And for those who are well versed in health, wealth, success and happiness in their personal endeavors, thank You. Thank You for all that they have achieved and for the wisdom that helped them to do so. But thank You also, Lord Jesus, for the love that moves them to help and bless others so they are lifted up to new heights. What great joy and sheer delight to all concerned and all involved to be of such a mind. To have such a soul is truly an awesome treasure to have, to hold ... and to behold.
Lord Jesus,
Thank You for all the ways You use to grow us all up in Christ for the sake of God's glory. Is there any greater miracle than You, Lord Jesus, to help God realize all His joy, and us as well? Thank You for being The Light of our lives, Lord Jesus. Glory be to God Most High! Amen and Amen.
How's everybody doing? Well, I hope. Better, I trust.
Miss me while I was off-line? I missed being able to do this. I missed communicating with you all and lifting you up in this special way. But praise be to God Most High!, He corrected this issue through my Uncle Ron, who lovingly and graciously provided me a new computer. So, in appreciation for his benevolent generosity in providing me a new computer, please give my Uncle Ron in Wichita a shout out. Let him know how much you all appreciate my writings and how much they mean to you. Remember to thank God for it, too, and praise Him also, for the wonderful way He made sure to get me back online and for keeping me there for goodness' sake, in Jesus' Name.
I came across something from Summerside Press. I'm so excited about it and putting my own spin on it that I can hardly wait to share it with you. However, I must get permission from them first. Feel free to contact www.summersidepress.com to let them know how much you appreciate my works and how inspiring they are to you. Let them know that it's to our mutual benefit to approve my request regarding the use of their published works. Thank you.
Something else I greatly enjoy besides prayer writing is creating beautiful jewelry pieces. Haven't gotten into selling it yet, but if anybody's interested feel free to contact me. Once I learn how to post pictures I will do so, or maybe even create another site if that be a better way of doing things. Keep in mind that I am new to this and still have much to learn, so I am open to suggestions as well as information. Prayer writing will always be my greatest passion even though I do enjoy doing other things as well. However, regardless of what it is I do, it is my intention to plant blessings that reap a harvest of bountiful good.
Now, continuing on with what I do best ...
... Our Father Which Art in Heaven,
Hallowed be Thy Name.
Thy Kingdom Come,
Thy Will Be Done,
In us and through us as well as in and through every facet of our lives, affairs and relationships AS IT IS IN HEAVEN.
Give us this day revelation of Thy abiding Presence, Wisdom, Truth and Supernatural Insight, so that we may live, move and have our being this day in the glory of Thy marvelous light; that we may accomplish all that You desire of us; that we may also do all that we can to be the blessing we are meant to be, thereby exalting Christ, glorifying God, and manifesting Heaven every day in every way.
For it is You, Abba Father, Who does not lead us into temptation, but Who does deliver us from evil. Because it is You, Abba Father, Who has promised to never leave us nor forsake us, and Who truly does have a Divine Plan meant to bless and prosper us and to give us hope and a future.
And thanks to our Lord Jesus Christ, Who is The Way, The Truth, and The Light of our lives, and Who has intervened on our behalf before God and His enemy Satan, even unto death, because He was, is and ever shall be fully aware that ....
Thine alone, Almighty God, is The Kingdom, Glory, Honor, Power, Praise and Majesty, forever and ever. And He did it for all our sakes. For the sake of The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness, Jesus did what He did to redeem us from Satan's power, to deliver us from the kingdom of darkness, and to translate us into The Kingdom of Thy Marvelous Light.
And for whatever ways we have taken this lightly or not treated such amazing grace, tender mercy and perfect love, with the cherished respect due, Abba Father, please forgive us, in Jesus' Name. And Lord Jesus, please also forgive us. Were it not for You, Lord Jesus, we would be utterly without hope and our futures would most definitely be bleak and utterly disparing. But thanks to You, Lord Jesus, we do have hope and even a Divine Plan set in motion designed to create a spectacular future for the sake of God's glory. There is little wonder why You are King of kings and Lord of lords, Precious Jesus. No one else is fit for such honor. And most certainly, no one else could even possibly wear such a crown. No, that right is meant for no one else but You, Lord Jesus, for You are very much indeed The Sun of Righteousness.
Be exalted to the glory of God The Father, Lord Jesus. Be exalted to the glory of God The Father. Even in and through us, Lord Jesus, be exalted to the glory of God The Father, from this time forth and forevermore. Amen.
Lord Jesus,
Thank You, also, for all the ways You use my writings and this blog to glorify God. Thank You for providing me an outlet with which to share with others what is in the soul of my being for You. Do You think they realize how privileged they are to join in our conversation? Do You think they realize what an honor it is to join in such worship while at the same time also being lifted up? I pray they realize what a tremendous blessing and precious gift of amazing grace they are welcomed to participate in.
Lord Jesus,
Many are in a world of torment and upheaval right now and don't know where to turn. I pray that for their sakes they are given eyes to see the glorious wonders of The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness at work in their lives and affairs, even in the very midst of their circumstances. Lord Jesus, encompass them all with the miracle of Thy omnipotent goodness. Let Thy omnipotent goodness flood their darkness with God's Holy Light. And as a result, Lord Jesus, I pray they experience more goodness, more victory, power and strength, then they have ever experienced before.
And for those who are well versed in health, wealth, success and happiness in their personal endeavors, thank You. Thank You for all that they have achieved and for the wisdom that helped them to do so. But thank You also, Lord Jesus, for the love that moves them to help and bless others so they are lifted up to new heights. What great joy and sheer delight to all concerned and all involved to be of such a mind. To have such a soul is truly an awesome treasure to have, to hold ... and to behold.
Lord Jesus,
Thank You for all the ways You use to grow us all up in Christ for the sake of God's glory. Is there any greater miracle than You, Lord Jesus, to help God realize all His joy, and us as well? Thank You for being The Light of our lives, Lord Jesus. Glory be to God Most High! Amen and Amen.
Sunday, March 2, 2014
To all my Precious Family, Friends & Life Colleagues :
After being off line for so long only to return and see the many who have checked out my personal blog, I must thank you and apologize at the same time. First, I thank you for checking out my blog and seeing the soul of my heart put in print. The fact that you checked out my blog means that you were drawn to it for good reason. This of coarse is God's doing. Little did I know how much He would put my writings to work for the sake of others such as myself looking to find a way to worship God while at the same time putting a new spin on things. How wonderful that there are a plethora of ways in which to honor both God as well as our the fellow members of our family, friends and life colleagues. My writings is just one way. Look out side, hear the children's laughter fill the air, see the season's bloom, etc.. So many ways in which to delight ourselves in God as well as in each other, ways we often take for granted. Yet ways in which were we to really take stock in, we'd realize that when we give of the best of ourselves to God as well as to each other, we'd realize not only how wonderful life really is, but the joys of Heaven manifest as well.
Continuing on, as I'm sure that you don't need me preaching at you and that you are wondering why it has been so long. Well, for one, I must apologize for being away for so long. Weekends are the most difficult for me to get online, first off, due to highly energetic, inquisitive and explorative grandchildren whom I tend most every weekend from early Friday morning till mid afternoon or late Sunday evening, and sometimes various days throughout the week. But weekends especially with them being what they are with them, I am not getting online. Then there's the other issue of electronic failure. I do not claim to be an electronic whiz. I know what I know and can do many a thing I attempt, however, when electronics are not running well, down or need replaced then there is wait time, even considerable wait time. Such as in this particular case.
But one thing I'd like everybody who happens upon this blog to do, is to give my Uncle Ron in Wichita a shout out for gifting me my new computer laptop so I could get back online again and do what I am meant to do. I did not ask for it, neither did I let him know my situation. However, he was most generous in doing this for me and I for one appreciate it very much. I pray you do too as well and make sure to let him know. And let me tell you, he made sure that it was nothing short of perfect for me. I must say, it is certainly perfect for anyone who enjoys writing. I cannot express my gratitude enough for this lovely gift. And by the way, in case you're wondering about the computer - it's a Toshiba. And boy, is it sweet!. I could not be more happier or impressed. It is that good.
To any of you who have missed my writing or needed my prayers, my humble apologies to you all. Please feel free to post comments regarding what you read or if you would like specific prayer. Also, my writings are my way of worshiping God and getting real with both Him as well as with myself. I share them in hopes that they might help be a blessing to anyone and everyone who could possibly benefit from the words that come pouring from my heart onto these pages. I do not do so to puff myself up or to make myself seem more than I am. I am like anybody else and have my own shortcomings and failings. But it is my goal to learn to live a lifestyle of continuous worship to God in all my ways. Such a goal is quite lofty and one yet to be attained, and I have sorely missed this part of my life. It is the one thing I enjoy most. Being able to live this out in my everyday life is a bonus. Thankfully, God made us family, friends and life colleagues just so we could help lift each other up so we don't fall so short of the glory of His amazing grace. He made us each to be a lighthouse that shines bright with His marvelous light. And what does the light do? It chases away the darkness and helps to keep us from stumbling, fumbling and falling. But if we should stumble, fumble or fall, God made sure to make sure we have someone somewhere available to help us. He made sure to make sure that we were not left alone to totally fend for ourselves because He knew we could not and can not make it on our own. We all need each other in one way or another. Maybe it is that you need me to write what I have to write because it lifts you up, gives you hope, or gives you somebody else to join with you in worship and prayer or to help you to worship and pray in moments when you don't know how. Whatever the case may be, thank God for it. I do. It is definitely a glorious grace given us both by God. It is but one of many reasons for which to praise and glorify God Our Father in Heaven. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
After being off line for so long only to return and see the many who have checked out my personal blog, I must thank you and apologize at the same time. First, I thank you for checking out my blog and seeing the soul of my heart put in print. The fact that you checked out my blog means that you were drawn to it for good reason. This of coarse is God's doing. Little did I know how much He would put my writings to work for the sake of others such as myself looking to find a way to worship God while at the same time putting a new spin on things. How wonderful that there are a plethora of ways in which to honor both God as well as our the fellow members of our family, friends and life colleagues. My writings is just one way. Look out side, hear the children's laughter fill the air, see the season's bloom, etc.. So many ways in which to delight ourselves in God as well as in each other, ways we often take for granted. Yet ways in which were we to really take stock in, we'd realize that when we give of the best of ourselves to God as well as to each other, we'd realize not only how wonderful life really is, but the joys of Heaven manifest as well.
Continuing on, as I'm sure that you don't need me preaching at you and that you are wondering why it has been so long. Well, for one, I must apologize for being away for so long. Weekends are the most difficult for me to get online, first off, due to highly energetic, inquisitive and explorative grandchildren whom I tend most every weekend from early Friday morning till mid afternoon or late Sunday evening, and sometimes various days throughout the week. But weekends especially with them being what they are with them, I am not getting online. Then there's the other issue of electronic failure. I do not claim to be an electronic whiz. I know what I know and can do many a thing I attempt, however, when electronics are not running well, down or need replaced then there is wait time, even considerable wait time. Such as in this particular case.
But one thing I'd like everybody who happens upon this blog to do, is to give my Uncle Ron in Wichita a shout out for gifting me my new computer laptop so I could get back online again and do what I am meant to do. I did not ask for it, neither did I let him know my situation. However, he was most generous in doing this for me and I for one appreciate it very much. I pray you do too as well and make sure to let him know. And let me tell you, he made sure that it was nothing short of perfect for me. I must say, it is certainly perfect for anyone who enjoys writing. I cannot express my gratitude enough for this lovely gift. And by the way, in case you're wondering about the computer - it's a Toshiba. And boy, is it sweet!. I could not be more happier or impressed. It is that good.
To any of you who have missed my writing or needed my prayers, my humble apologies to you all. Please feel free to post comments regarding what you read or if you would like specific prayer. Also, my writings are my way of worshiping God and getting real with both Him as well as with myself. I share them in hopes that they might help be a blessing to anyone and everyone who could possibly benefit from the words that come pouring from my heart onto these pages. I do not do so to puff myself up or to make myself seem more than I am. I am like anybody else and have my own shortcomings and failings. But it is my goal to learn to live a lifestyle of continuous worship to God in all my ways. Such a goal is quite lofty and one yet to be attained, and I have sorely missed this part of my life. It is the one thing I enjoy most. Being able to live this out in my everyday life is a bonus. Thankfully, God made us family, friends and life colleagues just so we could help lift each other up so we don't fall so short of the glory of His amazing grace. He made us each to be a lighthouse that shines bright with His marvelous light. And what does the light do? It chases away the darkness and helps to keep us from stumbling, fumbling and falling. But if we should stumble, fumble or fall, God made sure to make sure we have someone somewhere available to help us. He made sure to make sure that we were not left alone to totally fend for ourselves because He knew we could not and can not make it on our own. We all need each other in one way or another. Maybe it is that you need me to write what I have to write because it lifts you up, gives you hope, or gives you somebody else to join with you in worship and prayer or to help you to worship and pray in moments when you don't know how. Whatever the case may be, thank God for it. I do. It is definitely a glorious grace given us both by God. It is but one of many reasons for which to praise and glorify God Our Father in Heaven. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
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