Precious Heavenly Father,
If You don't mind I am going to coin a very special phrase, one that has never been used before until I used it during this years Thanksgiving holiday season. It may seem odd to some of my Precious Family, Friends and Life Colleagues, Heavenly Father, but yet it makes perfect sense at the same time. While so many have coined the phrase Chrismika in celebration of the Christmas and Hanukkah season, and rightly so, I believe this new phrase is even more poignant and just as relevant.
Heavenly Father,
I want to thank You for my Thanksgiving Christmas. :0)
Christmas may be some time away from now but it still applies.
Heavenly Father,
I did not have the funds with which to purchase a turkey, sweet potatoes, the fixings to make my own cranberry relish, coleslaw, etc. However, You made sure to provide us a turkey dinner with family just the same. Thank You for that. Robert and I were wondering how this Thanksgiving was going to work out since we are the ones to make the family feast for the kids and grand-kids who come. But this year You took that care for us and took care of it so that we had nothing to worry about by inviting us to one of my children's by marriage home. And it ended up being actually OK. The atmosphere was decently cordial and I was able to help out some, too. How wonderful of You, Father God, to actually be that involved in my life. I appreciate it so very much.
Not only that, Father God, but You helped to bring things together for what may be my mother's last Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday by working out the details for my mother's son/my brother to come back home for a time to visit. It was so nice the time we had with him. And through my brother You opened a door of opportunity for me to actually become gainfully employed. Thank You for that as well, Father God. Even about two weeks prior You made sure to bring my Uncle back into my life again as well. Thanks for that, too. And a half sister and her son and his daughter last night, December 1st. - expanding my family connections even further. It's like Christmas is happening right now in my life. These may seem like simple things to some but to me they mean the world. They mean that my life is touched by Your amazing grace, and I can hardly wait to see what other bountiful blessings and marvelous miracles are going to come my way. Even my brother enjoyed his time back home. He even treated us/his mother and siblings to some very nice eat-outs, something not particularly common to us. Dear Lord, bless him for that. He did do something to make even his visit even more memorable and special when he did that. And being that he enjoyed his time back here, Heavenly Father, even the time he did spend with his family, that means that we all behaved even better than he expected. That in itself is a marvelous miracle.
With all this good happening in my/our life, Heavenly Father, I wonder how many others were so richly blessed. I know I could not have been the only one. But what about those who felt gypped of Your amazing grace and omnipotent goodness, Father God? What about them? Of any and all of my Precious Family, Friends and Life Colleagues, Father God, who need to be touched by You and to experience the bountiful blessings and marvelous miracles of The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness, I pray that they will come to know the glory of Thy amazing grace beyond measure, in Jesus' Precious and Holy Name. And I thank You that they do and praise You for it. I praise You for giving them a Thanksgiving Christmas they will never forget. In Jesus' Mighty Name, Amen.
I appreciate You so
very much for loving me more than I even knew and for getting involved
in situational dynamics that had the potential of becoming quite
volatile, but with Your Presence very present in the mix that was not
going to happen. And I give thanks that what You do for one You will also do for another. That means that there is hope for those who feel hopeless. It means there is absolute good for them to experience in their own lives - to have and to enjoy. Glory to God!! There is no situation that is absolutely hopeless. No, not one. Glory to God!!
Heavenly Father,
I have never been more vulnerable in my public writings as in this moment. I pray it be of great benefit to those who have wondered how human I actually am.
Monday, December 2, 2013
Monday, November 11, 2013
Heavenly Father,
Thank You for all the ways You love me and keep me. Thank You for all the ways You shine upon me and are exceedingly gracious to me. Thank You for all the ways You smile upon me and give me peace. Thank You so very much for all the miracles You are performing in my life, Heavenly Father, so that Jesus Christ is exalted in every phase of my world to the glory of God Our Father in Heaven.
Heavenly Father,
Thank You that the same is also true concerning the rest of my Precious Family, Friends and Life Colleagues. It's just that not everybody knows how to put to words what is in their heart to say. And for those that need help to express their gratitude to the Most Wonderful, Merciful, Loving, Life Enhancing, Life Giving God ... I freely lift up before You this humble prayer of thankful intercession on their behalf because it was Your great pleasure to make us One Family and we are loving and supporting each other as best we know how and as much as we will allow. For now, Heavenly Father, this is my part. So I thank You, Heavenly Father, for how precious each and every member of my Family, Friends and Life Colleagues is to You ... for how tenderly You love them and keep them ... for how You treasure them and delight in them and shine upon them ... and for how exceedingly gracious You are to them ... and for all the ways You reveal the glory of Thy Omnipotent Goodness to them and give them peace.
Heavenly Father,
What has any of us done to be so worthy of Thy Ever-Faithful Holy Love? What has any of us done to receive such a Precious Gift?
Surely You are beautiful beyond description. Too marvelous for words. Too wonderful for comprehension. Like nothing ever seen or heard.
Who can grasp Your infinite wisdom or fathom the depths of Your love.
You are wonderful beyond description, Lord. Majesty enthroned above.
Surely not a single one of us can be anything but in awe of You.
Thank You, Lord Jesus, for paying the ultimate price to reconcile us to God. Thank You for proving Your pure and unadulterated devotion both to God as well as to us. What a blessed miracle You are, Dear Jesus, to The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness. Surely Thy Omnipotent Goodness knows no bounds.
Bless You. Amen.
(c) 2013 Terri Spahr; aka: (Prayer Writer Terri)
Thank You for all the ways You love me and keep me. Thank You for all the ways You shine upon me and are exceedingly gracious to me. Thank You for all the ways You smile upon me and give me peace. Thank You so very much for all the miracles You are performing in my life, Heavenly Father, so that Jesus Christ is exalted in every phase of my world to the glory of God Our Father in Heaven.
Heavenly Father,
Thank You that the same is also true concerning the rest of my Precious Family, Friends and Life Colleagues. It's just that not everybody knows how to put to words what is in their heart to say. And for those that need help to express their gratitude to the Most Wonderful, Merciful, Loving, Life Enhancing, Life Giving God ... I freely lift up before You this humble prayer of thankful intercession on their behalf because it was Your great pleasure to make us One Family and we are loving and supporting each other as best we know how and as much as we will allow. For now, Heavenly Father, this is my part. So I thank You, Heavenly Father, for how precious each and every member of my Family, Friends and Life Colleagues is to You ... for how tenderly You love them and keep them ... for how You treasure them and delight in them and shine upon them ... and for how exceedingly gracious You are to them ... and for all the ways You reveal the glory of Thy Omnipotent Goodness to them and give them peace.
Heavenly Father,
What has any of us done to be so worthy of Thy Ever-Faithful Holy Love? What has any of us done to receive such a Precious Gift?
Surely You are beautiful beyond description. Too marvelous for words. Too wonderful for comprehension. Like nothing ever seen or heard.
Who can grasp Your infinite wisdom or fathom the depths of Your love.
You are wonderful beyond description, Lord. Majesty enthroned above.
Surely not a single one of us can be anything but in awe of You.
Thank You, Lord Jesus, for paying the ultimate price to reconcile us to God. Thank You for proving Your pure and unadulterated devotion both to God as well as to us. What a blessed miracle You are, Dear Jesus, to The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness. Surely Thy Omnipotent Goodness knows no bounds.
Bless You. Amen.
(c) 2013 Terri Spahr; aka: (Prayer Writer Terri)
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Heavenly Father,
Thank You so very much for every Family member, Friend and Life Colleague a part of my world. You are just so wonderful, Heavenly Father, that I cannot express enough about how good You really are ... and how merciful, too.
Heavenly Father,
Thank You for all the blessings they have, for all the blessings they are receiving and for all the blessings they enjoy. Thank You for all the miracles You are working in their lives and affairs so Jesus Christ is exalted to the glory of God Our Father in Heaven.
Thank You for all the ways You bless my Family, Friends and Life Colleagues and for all the ways You keep them.
Thank You for all the ways Your Face shines upon them and for all the ways You are exceedingly gracious to them.
Thank You for all the ways Your Countenance rises upon them and for all the ways You give them peace, Heavenly Father.
I praise You, Heavenly Father, for all the ways You are wonderful to us all. Surely we are undeserving of such tender mercy and amazing grace, and yet You honor us so by pouring out upon us Your perfect love. Surely each and every one of us experiences Divine, Unmerited Favor each and every day and in more ways than we often realize.
And Dear Lord Jesus,
You made it possible. You paid the ultimate price so that we could. Thank You so, so very much for loving us so much. Thank You for being so devoted to God as well as so devoted to us that You willingly paid such a high and extravagant price as proof True Excellence and Integrity, and as receipt of Pure and Perfect Love. And You did it so we would be whole and complete in every way, Dear Lord Jesus. Surely even the lowliest of us is highly honored and greatly favored and dearly loved and so much more treasured than we have been lead to believe. Surely there is not a single one of us that goes untouched by some how some way by Heaven.
Thank You. Thank You. Thank You. Thank You .... for blessing us so much, Dear Jesus.
And to my Precious Family, Friends and Life Colleagues,
In view of this, isn't God absolutely wonderful?!
I love you and bless you and thank God for growing us up together in Christ for the sake of all concerned. And I pray you treasure these words that flow from my heart to God. And I thank you for letting them be a blessing in your own life and for letting them work miracles all around you so you can and will experience more peace, love, joy, and all manner of good than you have ever experienced before.
God bless you, in Jesus' Name. Amen. ;0)
Thank You so very much for every Family member, Friend and Life Colleague a part of my world. You are just so wonderful, Heavenly Father, that I cannot express enough about how good You really are ... and how merciful, too.
Heavenly Father,
Thank You for all the blessings they have, for all the blessings they are receiving and for all the blessings they enjoy. Thank You for all the miracles You are working in their lives and affairs so Jesus Christ is exalted to the glory of God Our Father in Heaven.
Thank You for all the ways You bless my Family, Friends and Life Colleagues and for all the ways You keep them.
Thank You for all the ways Your Face shines upon them and for all the ways You are exceedingly gracious to them.
Thank You for all the ways Your Countenance rises upon them and for all the ways You give them peace, Heavenly Father.
I praise You, Heavenly Father, for all the ways You are wonderful to us all. Surely we are undeserving of such tender mercy and amazing grace, and yet You honor us so by pouring out upon us Your perfect love. Surely each and every one of us experiences Divine, Unmerited Favor each and every day and in more ways than we often realize.
And Dear Lord Jesus,
You made it possible. You paid the ultimate price so that we could. Thank You so, so very much for loving us so much. Thank You for being so devoted to God as well as so devoted to us that You willingly paid such a high and extravagant price as proof True Excellence and Integrity, and as receipt of Pure and Perfect Love. And You did it so we would be whole and complete in every way, Dear Lord Jesus. Surely even the lowliest of us is highly honored and greatly favored and dearly loved and so much more treasured than we have been lead to believe. Surely there is not a single one of us that goes untouched by some how some way by Heaven.
Thank You. Thank You. Thank You. Thank You .... for blessing us so much, Dear Jesus.
And to my Precious Family, Friends and Life Colleagues,
In view of this, isn't God absolutely wonderful?!
I love you and bless you and thank God for growing us up together in Christ for the sake of all concerned. And I pray you treasure these words that flow from my heart to God. And I thank you for letting them be a blessing in your own life and for letting them work miracles all around you so you can and will experience more peace, love, joy, and all manner of good than you have ever experienced before.
God bless you, in Jesus' Name. Amen. ;0)
Saturday, October 12, 2013
Hello Precious Family, Friends and Life Colleagues,
Thank you so very much for gracing my world with the glory of your presence.
Glory to God Most High!! What a marvelous blessing you are to The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness and what a marvelous blessing you are to me in Jesus' Precious and Holy Name. And I praise God for it. :0) Amen.
God bless you all beyond reason for being such wonderful blessings. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Thank you so very much for gracing my world with the glory of your presence.
Glory to God Most High!! What a marvelous blessing you are to The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness and what a marvelous blessing you are to me in Jesus' Precious and Holy Name. And I praise God for it. :0) Amen.
God bless you all beyond reason for being such wonderful blessings. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Hello Dear Family, Friends and Life Colleagues,
Once again the title and accompanying web address have changed. I was working on something else when this train of thought took over, so I went with it to see what would transpire as a result. MY LOVE LETTERS TO GOD makes sense, matching the design layout and its intended purpose perfectly. Plus, it is how I truly find sweet serenity. Now maybe this blog will really get up and going so that others of God's children may be richly blessed and experience marvelous miracles in their own lives as a result of finding this site. I pray that all of us together will be blessed and our lives forever changed for the better as we come together to worship Our Father in Heaven, in Jesus' Name, and pray for others. We might even learn how to worship Our Father in Heaven in greater degrees of the glory He is due as a result. And wouldn't that be magnificent? :0)
Now to all who come upon this blog and help it to become all that it should be - all that exalts Christ, glorifies God and magnifies Heaven ...
In Jesus' Precious & Holy Name. Amen.
Once again the title and accompanying web address have changed. I was working on something else when this train of thought took over, so I went with it to see what would transpire as a result. MY LOVE LETTERS TO GOD makes sense, matching the design layout and its intended purpose perfectly. Plus, it is how I truly find sweet serenity. Now maybe this blog will really get up and going so that others of God's children may be richly blessed and experience marvelous miracles in their own lives as a result of finding this site. I pray that all of us together will be blessed and our lives forever changed for the better as we come together to worship Our Father in Heaven, in Jesus' Name, and pray for others. We might even learn how to worship Our Father in Heaven in greater degrees of the glory He is due as a result. And wouldn't that be magnificent? :0)
Now to all who come upon this blog and help it to become all that it should be - all that exalts Christ, glorifies God and magnifies Heaven ...
In Jesus' Precious & Holy Name. Amen.
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Heavenly Father,
Thanks so much for giving us the perfect prescription for finding sweet serenity. Finding sweet serenity is as simple as obeying Your Word - making Your Word first place, loving God and trusting God with full assurance that He alone is The Way.
Heavenly Father,
There's a reason why Jesus taught us to pray to Our Father in Heaven.
The reason; Hallowed is Thy Name.
The prayer Jesus taught us to pray:
Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done ...
... on earth as it is in Heaven.
Jesus taught us to pray for our provision as well as for our forgiveness:
Give us this day our daily bread ... and ...
Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.
Jesus also taught us about how to pray for God's leading and protection:
Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
Why Jesus taught us to pray this way:
For Thine alone, Dear Father, is ....
The Kingdom, Power, and Glory .... forever and ever. Amen.
Heavenly Father,
Jesus taught us in this model prayer:
1. How to seek, approach and communicate with You.
2. What exactly to pray for.
3. To Ask The Source of Provision for needed provision.
4. To Seek forgiveness from Source of Forgiveness.
5. To Knock on Guiding Protector's door for assistance.
6. Acknowledge the Reverence due and why.
Heavenly Father,
Jesus taught us the path to finding sweet serenity. And how awesome it is that even Jesus acknowledged that there is no sweet serenity apart from You. :0)
(c) 2013; Terri Spahr, aka: (Prayer Writer Terri)
Thanks so much for giving us the perfect prescription for finding sweet serenity. Finding sweet serenity is as simple as obeying Your Word - making Your Word first place, loving God and trusting God with full assurance that He alone is The Way.
Heavenly Father,
There's a reason why Jesus taught us to pray to Our Father in Heaven.
The reason; Hallowed is Thy Name.
The prayer Jesus taught us to pray:
Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done ...
... on earth as it is in Heaven.
Jesus taught us to pray for our provision as well as for our forgiveness:
Give us this day our daily bread ... and ...
Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.
Jesus also taught us about how to pray for God's leading and protection:
Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
Why Jesus taught us to pray this way:
For Thine alone, Dear Father, is ....
The Kingdom, Power, and Glory .... forever and ever. Amen.
Heavenly Father,
Jesus taught us in this model prayer:
1. How to seek, approach and communicate with You.
2. What exactly to pray for.
3. To Ask The Source of Provision for needed provision.
4. To Seek forgiveness from Source of Forgiveness.
5. To Knock on Guiding Protector's door for assistance.
6. Acknowledge the Reverence due and why.
Heavenly Father,
Jesus taught us the path to finding sweet serenity. And how awesome it is that even Jesus acknowledged that there is no sweet serenity apart from You. :0)
(c) 2013; Terri Spahr, aka: (Prayer Writer Terri)
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
OK, Lord,
I have followed Divine Direction. I took the actions prescribed to me believing that the changes made will prove to be invaluable. I trust You to do what is necessary through my hands, these postings, and world wide web, to do what is necessary and beneficial to all concerned so that my family, friends and life colleagues will be blessed beyond measure and find the hope they are looking for and the help they so desperately need that they can't find elsewhere. I trust that You will bring to their attention whatever it is they need to hear, Dear Lord, because it is You is their Saving Grace and True Comforter. It is You Who is The Potter. We are merely the clay, and mostly cracked pots desperately in need of You - of Your attention and love so that God will be glorified in and through us and The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness blessed. In Jesus' Name. But should You desire to tweak things even more or lead me in a different direction, Lord, I am open and receptive to Your Divine Will, Plan and Purpose, because I know that it will be for the highest good of all concerned and nothing less. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
I have followed Divine Direction. I took the actions prescribed to me believing that the changes made will prove to be invaluable. I trust You to do what is necessary through my hands, these postings, and world wide web, to do what is necessary and beneficial to all concerned so that my family, friends and life colleagues will be blessed beyond measure and find the hope they are looking for and the help they so desperately need that they can't find elsewhere. I trust that You will bring to their attention whatever it is they need to hear, Dear Lord, because it is You is their Saving Grace and True Comforter. It is You Who is The Potter. We are merely the clay, and mostly cracked pots desperately in need of You - of Your attention and love so that God will be glorified in and through us and The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness blessed. In Jesus' Name. But should You desire to tweak things even more or lead me in a different direction, Lord, I am open and receptive to Your Divine Will, Plan and Purpose, because I know that it will be for the highest good of all concerned and nothing less. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Hello Dear Family, Friends and Life Colleagues,
I am trying something new with the title and website address change. I do so as a result of something that came to the forefront of my heart moments ago. My blog's new title, Finding Sweet Serenity, with its namesake website address reflect the purpose of my prayer writing, blog style. This change may prove to be more valuable than I can even conceive at this time, which will in turn open bigger doors to greater good for all concerned. I pray this be the case in Jesus' Name, as I believe I am following Divine Direction on the matter. May everyone be blessed as a result, to the glory of God Most High. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
I am trying something new with the title and website address change. I do so as a result of something that came to the forefront of my heart moments ago. My blog's new title, Finding Sweet Serenity, with its namesake website address reflect the purpose of my prayer writing, blog style. This change may prove to be more valuable than I can even conceive at this time, which will in turn open bigger doors to greater good for all concerned. I pray this be the case in Jesus' Name, as I believe I am following Divine Direction on the matter. May everyone be blessed as a result, to the glory of God Most High. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Heavenly Father,
Many of my precious family, friends and life colleagues are in desperate need of personally experiencing the power and glory of Thy omnipotent goodness, tender mercy and amazing grace. Many of them are in desperate need of realizing how wonderful and magnificent the miracle of Your perfect love really is because of whatever they have been taught, especially if their teaching came by way of violent means. They are desperately reaching out for some semblance of hope, Heavenly Father. You, Heavenly Father, Who are Jehovah Sabaoth, Lord of Hosts, Lord of The Army of Hosts, ... are the very thing, the very Person they are desperately crying out for because of whatever trying situation or circumstance they have found themselves in and You are their only Source of survival and means of protection, and Source of help. Because, Heavenly Father, Jesus paid the ultimate price that redeemed us all from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us (for it is written, Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree) that the blessing of Abraham might come upon the Gentiles in Christ Jesus; that we might receive the promise of the Holy Spirit through faith. (Gal. 3:13-14).
Lord, Jehovah Sabaoth,
You know where each and every member of my family, friends and life colleagues are at physically, spiritually, mentally, location wise, etc. , etc. and what their particular condition, situation or circumstance is. And right now in Jesus' Name, I thank You for being a Keeper of Your Word - for not at any moment leaving them or forsaking them (on any level) - (Heb. 13:5). I also praise You, Heavenly Father, that absolutely nothing whatsoever can separate them from Your love by any means - no, absolutely nothing whatsoever. :0)
(c) 2013; T. Spahr, aka: (Prayer Writer Terri)
Monday, August 19, 2013
Dear Lord of Heaven and Earth,
Thank You so very much for every member of my Precious Family, Friends and Life Colleagues. Thank You for the value and worth of their presence and very existence in life, Dear Lord. Thank You for all the ways You bless them and for all the ways You give them the realization of Your Presence, wisdom and involvement in their lives and affairs.
Dear Lord,
So many members of my Precious Family, Friends and Life Colleagues have no clue how much You really do love them and are actually involved in their lives and affairs. They have no idea how awesome You really are simply because they can't see beyond their own issues of grief, torment, abuse, or whatever their current situation or condition might be. Their adversary, Lord - Your adversary, has them so preoccupied with what they see, think and feel in the natural that their awareness of You is quite marred; and in some cases, Lord, their faith has severely waned. But, Dear Lord, You have not left them utterly without hope or without salvation. You are after all, Dear Lord, an ever present help in trouble. Thank God. And You are there with them even in the trenches of their affliction. And even if they might not know it or be aware of it themselves, I for one give You thanks and praise for Your being there with them. After all, Dear Lord, they have an awesome divine plan and purpose for their lives that only they themselves can fulfill. And there is somebody somewhere that needs for them to fulfill it. Glory to God. -- How long did it take to get me this far so that I could even begin this venture so that others in need of my fulfilling Your divine plan and purpose for my life could be of benefit to them? And only You know how important it is for me to do what I am doing now and how important it is to them whom You would have come to my site. And only You know how important it is for every one of us to fulfill our destiny in Christ and how important it is to those eagerly waiting for us to do so because of their own desperate need. Lord, You made it so that we cannot truly live without each other for support, encouragement, protection, education, or whatever is necessary to the building up of our faith and progress in life. And we really can't. Many of us are even still learning from our predecessors of centuries past on how to navigate life and accomplish great things for goodness' sake; the Holy Bible not necessarily being the only source for that education.
But here we are, Lord, some of us sick, some of us lonely, some of us married, some of us abused, tormented or out of our minds, or behind bars, or afraid of everyone and everything, or whatever. Whatever we are wherever we are in our existence, Lord, here we are, coming together that we may learn from You and have You help us grow up in Christ so we can be a blessing to all The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness in Jesus' Name, just as Jesus was, is, and always shall be. Amen. And thank You for helping us all to learn, grow and do what it is that we need to learn, grow into and do for the blessing and benefit of all concerned, Dear Lord. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
(c) 2013; Terri Spahr - (aka: Prayer Writer Terri) for The Kingdom of God & His Righteousness.
Thank You so very much for every member of my Precious Family, Friends and Life Colleagues. Thank You for the value and worth of their presence and very existence in life, Dear Lord. Thank You for all the ways You bless them and for all the ways You give them the realization of Your Presence, wisdom and involvement in their lives and affairs.
Dear Lord,
So many members of my Precious Family, Friends and Life Colleagues have no clue how much You really do love them and are actually involved in their lives and affairs. They have no idea how awesome You really are simply because they can't see beyond their own issues of grief, torment, abuse, or whatever their current situation or condition might be. Their adversary, Lord - Your adversary, has them so preoccupied with what they see, think and feel in the natural that their awareness of You is quite marred; and in some cases, Lord, their faith has severely waned. But, Dear Lord, You have not left them utterly without hope or without salvation. You are after all, Dear Lord, an ever present help in trouble. Thank God. And You are there with them even in the trenches of their affliction. And even if they might not know it or be aware of it themselves, I for one give You thanks and praise for Your being there with them. After all, Dear Lord, they have an awesome divine plan and purpose for their lives that only they themselves can fulfill. And there is somebody somewhere that needs for them to fulfill it. Glory to God. -- How long did it take to get me this far so that I could even begin this venture so that others in need of my fulfilling Your divine plan and purpose for my life could be of benefit to them? And only You know how important it is for me to do what I am doing now and how important it is to them whom You would have come to my site. And only You know how important it is for every one of us to fulfill our destiny in Christ and how important it is to those eagerly waiting for us to do so because of their own desperate need. Lord, You made it so that we cannot truly live without each other for support, encouragement, protection, education, or whatever is necessary to the building up of our faith and progress in life. And we really can't. Many of us are even still learning from our predecessors of centuries past on how to navigate life and accomplish great things for goodness' sake; the Holy Bible not necessarily being the only source for that education.
But here we are, Lord, some of us sick, some of us lonely, some of us married, some of us abused, tormented or out of our minds, or behind bars, or afraid of everyone and everything, or whatever. Whatever we are wherever we are in our existence, Lord, here we are, coming together that we may learn from You and have You help us grow up in Christ so we can be a blessing to all The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness in Jesus' Name, just as Jesus was, is, and always shall be. Amen. And thank You for helping us all to learn, grow and do what it is that we need to learn, grow into and do for the blessing and benefit of all concerned, Dear Lord. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
(c) 2013; Terri Spahr - (aka: Prayer Writer Terri) for The Kingdom of God & His Righteousness.
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Well my Dear Friends, Family, and Life Colleagues,
Today is yet another day in the life of living. I pray that however your day may be going or how it appears to be to you, maybe a day that you would not rather be experiencing or whatever, I pray that it only gets better and better with each passing moment. And regardless of your thoughts concerning the day, your life, or whatever you are seeing whether great & terrific or so bleak that you wish things were either far different or that you never woke up or worse ... I thank God that you have graced the world with your presence and that God bless you beyond comprehension because of it with more grace and more good than you have ever known or experienced before. But I pray most of all that you get a revelation of our Dear Savior and Lord Jesus Christ Himself and the very glory of God our Loving Father, and of the very Presence of our Greatest Comforter - The Holy Spirit. Because God really does love you and if you don't know it you need to know it. Amen.
Heavenly Father,
Thank You so very much for teaching all of us about You and Your love for us. Thank You for being so wonderful to us that You even promise to never leave us nor forsake us. You even promise that there is absolutely nothing whatsoever that can separate us from Your love. And that is absolutely wonderful.
Well my Dear Friends, Family, and Life Colleagues,
Today is yet another day in the life of living. I pray that however your day may be going or how it appears to be to you, maybe a day that you would not rather be experiencing or whatever, I pray that it only gets better and better with each passing moment. And regardless of your thoughts concerning the day, your life, or whatever you are seeing whether great & terrific or so bleak that you wish things were either far different or that you never woke up or worse ... I thank God that you have graced the world with your presence and that God bless you beyond comprehension because of it with more grace and more good than you have ever known or experienced before. But I pray most of all that you get a revelation of our Dear Savior and Lord Jesus Christ Himself and the very glory of God our Loving Father, and of the very Presence of our Greatest Comforter - The Holy Spirit. Because God really does love you and if you don't know it you need to know it. Amen.
Heavenly Father,
Thank You so very much for teaching all of us about You and Your love for us. Thank You for being so wonderful to us that You even promise to never leave us nor forsake us. You even promise that there is absolutely nothing whatsoever that can separate us from Your love. And that is absolutely wonderful.
Much Later Post, Therefore More Introduction
Hello Dear Friends, Family, and Life Colleagues,
As I stated in the introduction concerning myself and my personal prayer writing blog, I am quite new to this. It had been many, many months since attempting to do this - to figure things out in general and so many life happenings that prevented me from continuing, etc. etc.
Most recently, I started a new blog post for book writing concerning my personal learning's on a different site. Can't say that I am going to continue with it for sure. It will have to be according to The Lord's leading. However, I was able to find the perfect blog design for my style of writing that I find quite fitting. I believe the pictured design speaks volumes concerning my work. It's calm, serene, pleasant to the eyes, and the picture itself depicts exactly what my work entails. ------It's what God has employed me to do for the benefit of all my friends, family, and colleagues in life. Through this blog I will be sharing with them what encourages, lifts & supports me when I need it and no one is around or cares to help; or just to share the goodness and excitement of life. But the Holy Spirit is always there when you need Him. He is the one person you can always count on to never leave you or forsake you, or leave you without hope, and Who actually ENJOYS YOUR HAPPINESS AND SUCCESS.
I am new to blogging and to having my own personal website, so bare with me as I grow in this new venture. My goal is to exalt Christ, glorify God, and to be a blessing to God's family here on earth. And for those who have often wondered whether someone actually prayed for them when then needed or requested it, now you know. And if you don't, you will. I believe God has employed me to write for the very purpose of sharing with them what encourages, lifts and supports me when I need it. After all, one learns best from personal experience, whether from first hand experience or from the mentoring of one who shares their own experience in order to help give revelation and wisdom where it may be lacking in the one in need of it.
And if it seems to you that I am altogether perfect based on your estimations of what I write ... let me make it quite clear that I am not. I am just as human as you are and need God just as much. On the other hand, I also firmly believe that God is doing whatever is necessary to grow us all up in Christ for the sake of The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness in Jesus' precious and Holy Name. Amen. God has created us to enjoy life - to enjoy Him as well as to enjoy each other. God never intended for us to live a mediocre or subpar life. He has long desired for us to know only His absolute best and nothing less; yet many of us have sorely missed out while others have no clue how wonderful they really have it. And most of us, if not all of us, have taken God for granted and not treated Him with the respect He so rightfully deserves. And what does God want for us His children? Nothing but the absolute very best. To experience The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness on earth as He does in Heaven. How do we do that? We will all learn that together. Heaven has given me a taste of it - a lesson that spoke volumes to me. And yes, we can communicate with Heaven Itself. And it is awesome!
Got your attention?? Good. Then you're in for a real treat as I open myself up and pour out of my soul the best of what is in me at any given time just so I can be a blessing to The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness. Amen.
I am sure that you have wondered why the big gap in the timing of my writings. That's because I forgot about where I had first originated my blog due to so many happenings in my life. But writing is important to me and it has been told me by more than one person that many would appreciate what I have to offer because it's different and fresh. I have often thought so, for more than 20+ years. I just never knew how to put my writing to work so that others could also benefit. But now the way is opening up so that I can. Writing is a must for me. It's an outlet, even an inlet, so to speak, that helps to me to not only unload the negatives, but to also gain fresh perspective on whatever situation, condition, or relation arises. Not all that I receive, such as is in bold print in the above paragraphs, is revealed through writing. Sometimes it comes as a direct download from Heaven. And it seems to me that the more I seek The Lord or The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness, the more I ponder how we pray and whether we might have actually made a habit of praying amiss. And it seems to me that we might have been. Not in everything, mind you; but maybe in where it counts most.
Any one actually consider that the bible might actually be more correctly viewed as a book of secrets? I have thought so for years. Of course I have been told otherwise by some who say that I am utterly wrong on the subject. Of course I have been told how wrong and utterly incorrect I have been about the things I have shared over the years only to find that in spirit and in truth I was actually hearing quite well the teachings of God and of Heaven, and of what I received so many years ago is coming back around by big named preachers and ministries. Some of which I shared with them and some of which I get so excited about hearing again. Some in much greater detail, and some not so much. But all of it confirmation, nonetheless. Confirmation that what I was receiving was true and direct from The Lord, even direct from Heaven Itself. But because I felt all alone, and apparently did not trust God enough to be my sure foundation, my rock and high tower and to be there for me, I found it difficult to keep going with my Holy Spirit course curriculum. I had suffered so much torment, abuse, neglect at every turn and was utterly alone in my plight not understanding why and not being able to make sense of what I was going through.
-- I was constantly crying out to God that I was not going insane, that I could not be the only one receiving the teachings I was getting that were not being well received when I shared them with my spiritual mentors, church leaders and church family. I couldn't understand why such things were being entrusted to me or why I might possibly be the only one to receive them. However, when I shared them I was ridiculed, told I was hearing only what I wanted to hear and that I was totally in the wrong and that it was not of God. But what it really was, was that I was receiving spiritual wisdom, knowledge, and revelations even though I did not possess the spiritual accreditations that made it ok to do so. In other words, I was not a formally educated pastor, elder, or whatever with all the degrees to back me up, which made it a big no-no. Of all that I had received at that time though, it was all confirmed to me in scripture anywhere from 3days to 3weeks. A fete I thought phenomenal because though I had studied God's word for over 15years at that time, I could not memorize it. I had found my resolve in understanding that many may know God's word inside out, backwards, forwards, upside down and topsy-turvy and they therefore feel that it gives them the right to be bible thumpers and view themselves as not only above reproach, but also better than the rest. I found myself appreciating the fact that I could not memorize the Scriptures. I came to the conclusion that if it was not God, the things He was pouring into me would then not be found within the pages of God's Scriptures. However, each and everything He was pouring into me was found within God's Holy Word and it utterly humbled me. And that was my consolation; I was humbled that God found me worthy enough to receive words from Him and secrets from His Word. However, I believe that that is what God desires of each and every one of us. I do not believe that anything I receive either from God or from Heaven itself is meant to be for me, myself, alone. I believe that what is shared with me is meant for the benefit of all concerned - to bless all of The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness here on earth as well as in Heaven in Jesus' precious and holy Name. Amen.
(c) 2013; Terri Spahr (aka: Prayer Writer Terri)
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