Monday, November 11, 2013


Heavenly Father, 

         Thank You for all the ways You love me and keep me. Thank You for all the ways You shine upon me and are exceedingly gracious to me. Thank You for all the ways You smile upon me and give me peace.   Thank You so very much for all the miracles You are performing in my life, Heavenly Father, so that Jesus Christ is exalted in every phase of my world to the glory of God Our Father in Heaven. 

Heavenly Father, 

         Thank You that the same is also true concerning the rest of my Precious Family, Friends and Life Colleagues. It's just that not everybody knows how to put to words what is in their heart to say. And for those that need help to express their gratitude to the Most Wonderful, Merciful, Loving, Life Enhancing, Life Giving God ... I freely lift up before You this humble prayer of thankful intercession on their behalf because it was Your great pleasure to make us One Family and we are loving and supporting each other as best we know how and as much as we will allow. For now, Heavenly Father, this is my part. So I thank You, Heavenly Father, for how precious each and every member of my Family, Friends and Life Colleagues is to You ... for how tenderly You love them and keep them ... for how You treasure them and delight in them and shine upon them ... and for how exceedingly gracious You are to them ... and for all the ways You reveal the glory of Thy Omnipotent Goodness to them and give them peace. 

Heavenly Father, 

         What has any of us done to be so worthy of Thy Ever-Faithful Holy Love? What has any of us done to receive such a Precious Gift? 

         Surely You are beautiful beyond description. Too marvelous for words. Too wonderful for comprehension. Like nothing ever seen or heard. 

        Who can grasp Your infinite wisdom or fathom the depths of Your love. 

        You are wonderful beyond description, Lord. Majesty enthroned above. 

        Surely not a single one of us can be anything but in awe of You. 

       Thank You, Lord Jesus, for paying the ultimate price to reconcile us to God. Thank You for proving Your pure and unadulterated devotion both to God as well as to us. What a blessed miracle You are, Dear Jesus, to The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness. Surely Thy Omnipotent Goodness knows no bounds. 

       Bless You. Amen. 

(c) 2013   Terri Spahr; aka: (Prayer Writer Terri)    

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