Tuesday, August 20, 2013


OK, Lord,
     I have followed Divine Direction. I took the actions prescribed to me believing that the changes made will prove to be invaluable. I trust You to do what is necessary through my hands, these postings, and world wide web, to do what is necessary and beneficial to all concerned so that my family, friends and life colleagues will be blessed beyond measure and find the hope they are looking for and the help they so desperately need that they can't find elsewhere. I trust that You will bring to their attention whatever it is they need to hear, Dear Lord, because it is You is their Saving Grace and True Comforter. It is You Who is The Potter. We are merely the clay, and mostly cracked pots desperately in need of You - of Your attention and love so that God will be glorified in and through us and The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness blessed. In Jesus' Name. But should You desire to tweak things even more or lead me in a different direction, Lord, I am open and receptive to Your Divine Will, Plan and Purpose, because I know that it will be for the highest good of all concerned and nothing less. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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