Heavenly Father,
Many of my precious family, friends and life colleagues are in desperate need of personally experiencing the power and glory of Thy omnipotent goodness, tender mercy and amazing grace. Many of them are in desperate need of realizing how wonderful and magnificent the miracle of Your perfect love really is because of whatever they have been taught, especially if their teaching came by way of violent means. They are desperately reaching out for some semblance of hope, Heavenly Father. You, Heavenly Father, Who are Jehovah Sabaoth, Lord of Hosts, Lord of The Army of Hosts, ... are the very thing, the very Person they are desperately crying out for because of whatever trying situation or circumstance they have found themselves in and You are their only Source of survival and means of protection, and Source of help. Because, Heavenly Father, Jesus paid the ultimate price that redeemed us all from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us (for it is written, Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree) that the blessing of Abraham might come upon the Gentiles in Christ Jesus; that we might receive the promise of the Holy Spirit through faith. (Gal. 3:13-14).
Lord, Jehovah Sabaoth,
You know where each and every member of my family, friends and life colleagues are at physically, spiritually, mentally, location wise, etc. , etc. and what their particular condition, situation or circumstance is. And right now in Jesus' Name, I thank You for being a Keeper of Your Word - for not at any moment leaving them or forsaking them (on any level) - (Heb. 13:5). I also praise You, Heavenly Father, that absolutely nothing whatsoever can separate them from Your love by any means - no, absolutely nothing whatsoever. :0)
(c) 2013; T. Spahr, aka: (Prayer Writer Terri)
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