Monday, December 2, 2013


Precious Heavenly Father,

         If You don't mind I am going to coin a very special phrase, one that has never been used before until I used it during this years Thanksgiving holiday season. It may seem odd to some of my Precious Family, Friends and Life Colleagues, Heavenly Father, but yet it makes perfect sense at the same time. While so many have coined the phrase Chrismika in celebration of the Christmas and Hanukkah season, and rightly so, I believe this new phrase is even more poignant and just as relevant. 

Heavenly Father, 

          I want to thank You for my Thanksgiving Christmas. :0)  
          Christmas may be some time away from now but it still applies. 

Heavenly Father, 

           I did not have the funds with which to purchase a turkey, sweet potatoes, the fixings to make my own cranberry relish, coleslaw, etc. However, You made sure to provide us a turkey dinner with family just the same. Thank You for that. Robert and I were wondering how this Thanksgiving was going to work out since we are the ones to make the family feast for the kids and grand-kids who come. But this year You took that care for us and took care of it so that we had nothing to worry about by inviting us to one of my children's by marriage home. And it ended up being actually OK. The atmosphere was decently cordial and I was able to help out some, too. How wonderful of You, Father God, to actually be that involved in my life. I appreciate it so very much.

          Not only that, Father God, but You helped to bring things together for what may be my mother's last Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday by working out the details for my mother's son/my brother to come back home for a time to visit. It was so nice the time we had with him. And through my brother You opened a door of opportunity for me to actually become gainfully employed. Thank You for that as well, Father God. Even about two weeks prior You made sure to bring my Uncle back into my life again as well. Thanks for that, too. And a half sister and her son and his daughter last night, December 1st.  - expanding my family connections even further. It's like Christmas is happening right now in my life. These may seem like simple things to some but to me they mean the world. They mean that my life is touched by Your amazing grace, and I can hardly wait to see what other bountiful blessings and marvelous miracles are going to come my way. Even my brother enjoyed his time back home. He even treated us/his mother and siblings to some very nice eat-outs, something not particularly common to us. Dear Lord, bless him for that. He did do something to make even his visit even more memorable and special when he did that. And being that he enjoyed his time back here, Heavenly Father, even the time he did spend with his family, that means that we all behaved even better than he expected. That in itself is a marvelous miracle. 

         With all this good happening in my/our life, Heavenly Father, I wonder how many others were so richly blessed. I know I could not have been the only one. But what about those who felt gypped of Your amazing grace and omnipotent goodness, Father God? What about them? Of any and all of my Precious Family, Friends and Life Colleagues, Father God, who need to be touched by You and to experience the bountiful blessings and marvelous miracles of The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness, I pray that they will come to know the glory of Thy amazing grace beyond measure, in Jesus' Precious and Holy Name. And I thank You that they do and praise You for it. I praise You for giving them a Thanksgiving Christmas they will never forget. In Jesus' Mighty Name,  Amen.

          I appreciate You so very much for loving me more than I even knew and for getting involved in situational dynamics that had the potential of becoming quite volatile, but with Your Presence very present in the mix that was not going to happen. And I give thanks that what You do for one You will also do for another. That means that there is hope for those who feel hopeless. It means there is absolute good for them to experience in their own lives - to have and to enjoy. Glory to God!! There is no situation that is absolutely hopeless. No, not one. Glory to God!! 

Heavenly Father, 

           I have never been more vulnerable in my public writings as in this moment. I pray it be of great benefit to those who have wondered how human I actually am.
Heavenly Father, 

          Thank You so very much for all the ways You bless us and keep us. 

          Thank You so very much for all the ways You are with us and for all the ways You hand is upon us. 

          Thank You for all the ways You are exceedingly gracious to us, even when we are unaware of it. 

          Thank You for all the ways You enrich our lives with Thy perfect love. 

          Forgive us for all the ways we are blind to It or dismissive regarding It. Forgive us for all the times we let ignorance and stupidity get the best of us. But thank You, also, for understanding us, for understanding our nature and yet never giving up on us. Thank You for loving us so much that You even work on us from different angels and avenues till You find the one that actually works at getting our attention. How marvelously wonderful of You, Father God. How absolutely marvelously wonderful of You. Bless You. Amen.

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