Monday, April 7, 2014


Precious Family, Friends and Life Colleagues,

       I just want to let you know that I am not neglecting you. What I have to say really matters. How it is conveyed means a great deal. I am here and you are most certainly not forgotten. It is to your benefit that I take a break from time to time so I can really learn from the lessons all the wisdom I have to gain and  listen to what God is saying to me for all our sakes.

       When it comes to relaying anything to you or even as regards to my prayers unto God, it benefits no one if they are not filled with beneficial substance. However, I am open and receptive to your concerns and needs for prayer. You are allowed to contact me for prayer if you like, or to comment your appreciation for the insights and revelations you receive as a result of the prayers of my heart, the conversations of my soul and the lessons or help you receive from God. It's in all our best interest to help support each other with as much loving-kindness as we have to offer. Wisdom and faith are key in expressing helpful support. And sometimes we cannot help or benefit another until we have learned the wisdom we ourselves need. And sometimes it is wisest to wait on The Lord so we can renew our strength, soak up some sun and even to play a bit. Other times we must neglect play time in order to make sure necessary work gets accomplished. Nevertheless, I give thanks for all the ways God uses us to help bless and encourage one another in loving-kindness, tender mercy, amazing grace, and in all that is right, just and true.

      God bless you and keep you, Precious Family, Friends and Life Colleagues.
      God make His Face to shine upon you and to be exceedingly gracious to you.
      God life His Countenance upon you and give you peace and amply supply all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus for the sake of all concerned. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014



Hello Precious Family, Friends and Life Colleagues, 

        Like I said in a previous letter, I am so new to Google+ that I don't know exactly how it works. I tried looking into all that I have either written or posted in my blogs to see what might be beneficial to post here. This particular letter was my very first blog attempt. It tells a bit about myself, the purpose of this blog as well as to who is being addressed - both my Precious Family, Friends and Life Colleagues and to God Our Heavenly Father.

         Please drop me a note saying how much you appreciate what I am doing and how much it blesses you. Feel free to also send in personal prayer requests. After all, we are here to bless and support each other as best we can since we are designed by God to be family, friends and life colleagues, and there is not a one of us truly an island unto himself. We need each other and we each have differing gifts and talents uniquely our very own. This is mine and I want to wisely use it to help bless, support and prosper you to make life sweeter and hopefully help manifest a bit of Heaven on earth and in your life. 

God bless us and grow us all up in Christ. Amen.  

(c)2014; Terri Spahr, aka: (Prayer Writer Terri)  

     Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Personal Prayer Writing, Blog Style

PRAYER WRITING, BLOG STYLE -                                     Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Hello to my  Dear Friends, Family, and Life Colleagues who happen to check in to see what's up with this particular blog.  :0 ) 

          This is my first blog. Not sure how to work this. I intend to use this blog as a type of diary, so to speak. It will not be anything like what most of you are familiar with. It is an extension of myself and in some ways might come across as ethereal. Just understand that I intend to share a part of myself that is deeply personal yet might come across as nondescript. That's as best as I can explain it. In my own self I come across as someone with very little understanding or intelligence, yet my writing style reflects something quite different. Where my natural abilities in communication may be lacking, my writing seems to communicate in ways my mouth seems to be unable to. 

          Mostly, I write prayers. I write to The One I know is truly accepting of me and that does not turn me blindly aside or treat me as if I have no right to life or am beneath contempt. And it is my heart felt prayer that this would not only open up a whole new world of greater good to me. But it is also my heart's cry that what is produced through the speech that emanates from my hands that it would be of great benefit and tremendous blessing to others who might find themselves in their own sight as nothing and nobody worth knowing or even setting eyes on. It is my sincerest hope that what you read in my postings will lift you up and encourage you beyond measure.

          No, I am nobody any more or less special than you. I have just found my niche and what makes me happiest and am still working on figuring out how to get what I do put into a format that will bless all concerned. I am just as human as anybody else with my own shortcomings and failings and humanistic ways, though my writings may not always reflect that. When I write it is as though I am taken into another dimension of life that transcends my own troubles. My focus gets redirected to something way better than I can even put into words. By nature I am a prayer writer. Some might view it as journaling, but God Himself correctly called me Prayer Writer, when I didn't even have a clue where to begin or how to even bill myself just to get started. A dear friend of mine refers to me as Prayer Warrior - and the best prayer warrior she has ever known. Whenever there's an issue going on in her life that she needs help with so that she either gets a better perspective on it or needs redirecting ques, I'm her go-to person for the job. Why? Because she knows that I really don't have the answers to what she needs but that God does; so in essence, I am her prayer-support. 

              So, as I begin this journey of Prayer Writing, Blog Style, I pray that it will exalt Christ and glorify God, and bless all concerned - and even open up a world of more good than any of us have ever known before. 

             And now, Lord God, 
                        In Jesus' Name, be Thou glorified on earth, even through this Prayer Writing Blog, as You are in Heaven. And thank You so very much for all the blessings and for all the good that results from this, and for every one who benefits from finding this blog just to read it, and maybe even to participate in it so that Heaven becomes a reality in their own lives because they have discovered for themselves how great and awesome God really is and how much they really matter. Dear Lord, there's just so many people who have no clue as to how important they are or how prevalent their gracing the world with their presence really matters. And sometimes, Lord, it really sucks when you see yourself as nothing, less than nothing, and nobody. And it sucks even more when there are others in the world who either reiterate that point or having to deal with people who do whatever they can to force you to believe that crock of crap but have no idea how to see things any different despite what they really know to be true. So I pray that You use this Prayer Writing Blog to pour out bountiful blessings and to create marvelous miracles in the lives of those who are touched by what they read. And I pray, Lord God, that You anoint these hands of mine with more good than I have ever known before so that they produce works worthy of Your praise, glory, and honor. Because, Dear Lord, You are worthy of all our praise. 

                        In Jesus' Name, thank You, Lord. Amen.


Hey Precious Family, Friends, Life Colleagues and Supporters,

       Nice to meet you through this new venture called Google+. I am so new to this that I don't know exactly what I am doing on it just yet. Just doing as best I can figure on working it. My name seems to be set though I want to change it to Prayer Writer Terri. Couldn't find how to do so in the Google+ settings so will have to make due. O well.

       Feel free to drop me a note or leave a comment that will bless and benefit everyone.  Because we all get so inundated with negativity I created this site to be a safe place to regroup, refocus, and get balanced. Of course that means unloading all the crap that may be bombarding us or that is trying to consume us. Best way I know to fix that issue is to worship The Lord.

     Worshiping God may be an unexpected weapon of epic proportions. Worshiping God is most certainly an invaluable tool when we remember to put it to use and use it for good. It's not something one finds common to combating the war one finds himself or herself in. Letting negativity have its way in us and through us is an ugly thing that we often quite easily cave into unawares because we are so unguarded and unmindful of what's really going on and whose really involved. We see on the surface the people and things associated with them that grate us the wrong way completely overlooking the fact that in spirit and in truth we war not against flesh and blood, (2 Cor. 10:3), though flesh and blood is what we see and so easily comprehend and are most familiar with.  By the focus and attention we give whether positive or negative, and the words that come spewing out our mouths, for good or not for good, is in essence worship. We either worship God or we do not. And the best way to give the devil his due is to worship God.

     It's so easy to get distracted, upset, and turned around and upside down. It's so easy to give up, give in and bow down and cave in to negativity's darkness due to all our experiences with negativity. On the other hand, worshiping God and seeking first The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness is not something that so easily comes natural to us once we lose our innocence.  It is something we have when we are little, that's why it is always wise to enjoy the blessings of happy babies and toddlers. It's something they understand and can communicate quite well when they are not bombarded with the negativity of adults. But it is in worshiping God and seeking first The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness that we find true peace and real joy. Think about it. A wee babe has no concept of anything but true peace and real joy until he/she is forced to endure the onslaughts of negativity. Their enemy is also your enemy and he will do anything to make you lose your focus and cause you to experience anything but true peace and real joy. He will do whatever he can to divert your attention away from God and from the true peace and real joy that comes from seeking first The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness. Why? Because he's jealous of you. He doesn't want you to know who you are, Who's you are, how powerful you really are and can become if you knew the one weapon that can destroy him ... and that's exalting Christ and glorifying God by seeking first The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness in order to manifest Heaven on earth. He knows all that you have going for you as well as all that you have available to you. He just doesn't want for you to know it. But guess what? The devil lost his rights to enjoying all the blessings and benefits Heaven has to offer. He chose to see himself above God and attempted to dethrone God because he was jealous of God and all His glory. He thought he could steel The Kingdom of God and undermine and usurp His Righteousness. He wanted to experience all the glory and grandeur God was privy to. He wanted to experience what it was like to be worshiped and adored like God and to have as much power and authority as God. But he gave all that up when he took on a fit of stupid. And God bestowed all that upon us instead.

     There's so much I could say right now to continue this conversation but I need to communicate with Scripture referencing to fill in the blanks and reveal the truth concerning this subject which is quite extensive. Suffice it to say, lets give up all the negativity and darkness and give the devil his due by worshiping God. Worshiping God is the one thing that the devil is doing his best to make sure you never do. That was his original job, worshiping God. Now that's our job. Worshiping God is our job in every facet of life - heart and soul, mind and spirit, body and life ... even in thought, word and deed. In every possible way in which we express ourselves, in all that we think, say and do, even in how we live, work and play, we are to worship God. It's the best way to give the devil  his due. He is the only thief in our lives who comes to steal, kill and destroy our true peace, real joy, and love for God and appreciation for The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness. Sadly he works through people and events to do so. But on the bright side, so does God. God will also use people and events, but only to our advantage and for our blessing and benefit and nothing less. While the devil may try to tear us down, tear us apart and worse, God is on our side to bless and prosper us, to help us, to benefit us in every good, perfect and beneficial way. And the more we recognize this truth and thank God for it, the more we give the devil the walloping he so richly deserves. So lets give the devil his due. Let's worship God in spirit and in truth. TO GOD BE THE GLORY!! In Jesus' Name. Amen.

(c)2014; Terri Spahr, aka (Prayer Writer Terri)

Tuesday, April 1, 2014


Heavenly Father, 

      Thank You so very much for all the ways You love us. Thank You for all the ways You care for us and tenderly provide for us. Thank You for all the ways You educate us and wise us up. Surely You are more amazing than we realize and more awesome than we give You credit for. 

      Surely God is great and God is good. God is love and God is just. God is wise and God is true. God is real and God is very much a part of our lives and active in our affairs for the sake of all concerned and all involved. 

    You are awesome in our lives, Mighty God. You are awesome always, Abba Father. 
    You are worthy of all praise. We can't help but give You thanks. 
    You are awesome in our lives, Mighty God. And we love You. 

Heavenly Father, 
     This song is what comes to mind. It's what's in my heart for You. You're just so wonderful, Abba Father. I can't help but give thanks for the Precious Family, Friends and Life Colleagues You have so graciously given to me and allowed me to be a part of so we can exalt Christ and worship You together... And for the good of all concerned, let Heaven work in us the miracles necessary so The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness can manifest on earth through us as It is in Heaven. In Jesus' Name, Amen. 

(c) 2014; Terri Spahr, aka (Prayer Writer Terri)